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you are not allowed to read this part
I would normally pop in the catch-up on parts of light novels I was reading when the new parts were released, However now whenever I click on any after part 1 I get "you are not allowed to read this part" and I am logged in and still have an active membership. is this just a weird bug or is something going on?
@tensu sometimes it bugs and doesn't recognise you as properly logged in. Can you try logging out and back in? That's fixed it when it's happened to me in the past.
@tensu Refresh the page and make sure you're really logged in, the login tokens only work for about 2 weeks and then they expire and you need to log in again.
I’m having this problem too, with every novel and every chapter
Sorry for the stupid question, but is the series still on catch-up?
@Tensu What series/what parts specifically is that happening on for you? And what browser version and operating system?