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Don't Forget to Get Your Taxes Done with All These April Catchups!
Do you know what month it is? It's tax month! If you live in the US, better remember to get your taxes done!
Back in the day, taxes weren't always paid with money; you could pay with the crops you grew or even yourself in the form of community service or plain labor. And one of our catchup protagonists ends up collecting these taxes in her new life! Ascendance of a Bookworm's Myne finds herself wrapped up in a complicated medieval society when all she wants is to make books! Can she break out of her social obligations, or will she be collecting taxes forever?! And check out anime season 3, airing soon!
Speaking of social obligations, what if you had none to begin with? Princess Fie was married off to a foreign kingdom, but left abandoned in a storehouse. How will she pay her taxes?! She'll have to crossdress as a boy to become a squire! Now called Heath, she'll be Walking My Second Path in Life... but will she be taxed as her new persona as well?! And we may have an exciting announcement soon regarding the 3rd volume of this series...
How about ways to avoid taxes? One way is to be a kid! Your parents include you as a dependent, so you don't have to worry about it! But what if you do something that earns a lot of money? Our Crappy Social Game Club Is Gonna Make the Most Epic Game features some high schoolers trying to develop their own popular game, but given how scrappy their club is, will they be successful enough to worry about taxes?! The other way is to simply not be human at all! Ruri ends up in another world, but she's able to transform into a cat! She can just lounge around all day, owing nothing to anyone, in The White Cat's Revenge as Plotted from the Dragon King's Lap!
Finally, the last way is to be the one doing the taxing! Akira finds himself mistaken for a demon lord when he wakes up in the world of the MMO he used to run. In trying to get back home, he ends up ruling it all with his modern sensibilities and powerful character stats! Become the taxer in the manga adaptation of Demon Lord, Retry!
So there you have it, J-Novel Club members get 35 volumes of distractions - just make sure you get your taxes done in time! And if you end up with a nice return... we've got some great books we can offer you ;)
Uhm nothing for me this month, I'll focus on the new licenses instead.
Lets see:
- Reading
- Hiatus
- Not interested
- Dropped
- Dropped
Then again, I did previously go through and check the entire catalouge of JNC titles, so it isn't that surprising...
OK, fine, twist my arm -- I'll give Bookworm another chance since it's one of the most beloved series ever. Hmph! (looks away)
White Cat was good at first but (in my opinion) dropped off a bit after the first 2-3 volumes and was annoying me by volume 5. YMMV of course.
None of the series I was hoping for, but if the third volume of Second Path is coming soon (yay!), I'll need a reread to refresh my memory since it's been years since I've read it.
@harmlessdave said in Don't Forget to Get Your Taxes Done with All These April Catchups!:
OK, fine, twist my arm -- I'll give Bookworm another chance since it's one of the most beloved series ever. Hmph! (looks away)
White Cat was good at first but (in my opinion) dropped off a bit after the first 2-3 volumes and was annoying me by volume 5. YMMV of course.
Pretty much exactly where I'm at. ^^;;
Bounced hard off of Bookworm Vol. 1 twice now, but given the number of enthusiastic fans it sounds like something I'd really enjoy if I can get over the hump.
And White Cat started off strongly, but the love interest started getting really creepy after the first 2-3 volumes.
@myskaros said in Don't Forget to Get Your Taxes Done with All These April Catchups!:
And we may have an exciting announcement soon regarding the 3rd volume of this series...
but this better not be an april fool's joke...-------@harmlessdave said in Don't Forget to Get Your Taxes Done with All These April Catchups!:
OK, fine, twist my arm -- I'll give Bookworm another chance since it's one of the most beloved series ever. Hmph! (looks away)
same here. dropped it a few years back since the protagonist's immaturity was irritating, but it's got an insane following, so I guess it's worth another look
@rkkn said in Don't Forget to Get Your Taxes Done with All These April Catchups!:
same here. dropped it a few years back since the protagonist's immaturity was irritating, but it's got an insane following, so I guess it's worth another look
It really starts to shine around the middle of part 2 (so 6th volume or so) so if you can stick it out that long... I wouldn't skip ahead though, the stuff that happens before is actually important to the story even if it's a little boring (then again, I wasn't bored by it personally, so ymmv)
@harmlessdave said in Don't Forget to Get Your Taxes Done with All These April Catchups!:
OK, fine, twist my arm -- I'll give Bookworm another chance since it's one of the most beloved series ever. Hmph! (looks away)
@travis-butler said in Don't Forget to Get Your Taxes Done with All These April Catchups!:
Bounced hard off of Bookworm Vol. 1 twice now, but given the number of enthusiastic fans it sounds like something I'd really enjoy if I can get over the hump.
@rkkn said in Don't Forget to Get Your Taxes Done with All These April Catchups!:
same here. dropped it a few years back since the protagonist's immaturity was irritating, but it's got an insane following, so I guess it's worth another look
And to anyone else who’s like “mneeeeh” about getting into Bookworm - my earliest recommended pit stop for “get to here before you decide to drop this or not” is about mid P1V2 (the second volume of the series). It’s a rather pivotal moment and I think it holds up as a scene I really like even volumes and volumes later. Granted, there’s more to get to the further you go (well duh), but I humbly suggest you at least get to there before deciding again whether or not it’s for you. The series starts off with a flawed protagonist with room to grow, so I think it’s a worthwhile endeavor to see how that growth starts to kick off!
If you’ve already gotten there and dropped it, well, I won’t stop you from giving it another chance anyways :P But at the end of the day, just read what you enjoy! Not everything is for everyone (and I say this as someone who places Bookworm in my top 2 book series ever, of all time).
Similar to some other posters, i dropped Bookworm around volume 1 or 2. I started reading some bits in the middle of "part 3" on a whim, and eventually got hooked on that, then eventually went back and read from the middle of "part 2" around where the anime left off.
I was fairly confused by some things at first, but starting in the middle did grab my attention more than however much i read in "part 1". I skimmed some summaries to catch up on any points in earlier volumes i was missing.
Just noting starting in the middle as an option for anyone who wants to give the series another chance but didn't like the first volume(s) as much.
@hatguy12 I came very close to doing the same at the end of Volume 1, but I picked the series up during a lockdown and boredom drove me to pick up the second book. It got better from there.
For those wanting to try how hatguy read it - the current anime runs up to the end of Part 2 Volume 2, so you know where to continue on from :)
As another person who dropped Bookworm for a while. I rage quit in Vol 3 during the church visit arc when Myne
It's the only series I've read that has actually managed to enrage me while reading it. I only continued after watching the anime and seeing what came after I had quit, but it's now a bottom of the barrel series for me. I'm further along in the anime than the books. I find it's a decent enough series and rather overhyped at that.
It's nice to recommend, or not, series for others here, but given that Bookworm is one of JNC's most popular series, let's try to veer away from discussions about the series itself (it's available for people to read, after all, and we have a subforum for the series already), conversations between forum goers (make a new topic if you'd like!), and otherwise excessive praising or bashing of the series in this topic!
I've been waiting for Bookworm to get on catchup. I enjoyed the anime quite a bit so I'm thinking I should enjoy the LN as well.
Really excited to hear about a Vol 3 for Second Path (Assuming it's not an April 1st gag). I really quite enjoyed the first two volumes. Real forehead slapping when it comes to the surrounding cast not being able to tell who the girl really was. But that was part of the fun. Main guy in that was a bona fied ass hat for how he treated his supposed wife. Never even bothered to greet her. Just stuck her in a cell basically. What a jerk.
Let's see.... Don't really have much interest in Social Game Club... I loved the early volumes of White Cat, like others have said. Like it was 9/10 stuff... but subsequent volumes took a dip, however I still enjoyed them anyways. I like the setting of that world and how there were "blessed" people and stuff. Thought it was interesting.
Then finally... Demon Lord Retry, I love. Manga is pretty good too, I might just re-read it for the heck of it, just cause it's so fun.
Walking My Second Path in Life... but will she be taxed as her new persona as well?! And we may have an exciting announcement soon regarding the 3rd volume of this series...
Also hoping this isn’t an April fools joke lol. It’s been a year since it came out in Japan, really hoping JNC will get it soon. It’s one of the first series I read from JNC and the first premiums I bought on my account :)
@myskaros said in Don't Forget to Get Your Taxes Done with All These April Catchups!:
(Re: 2nd Path) She'll have to crossdress as a boy to become a squirrel
That’s how I read that sentence. I lost a small amount of interest when I realized what it really said, but I’ll be reading it this month. I’m already reading/buying/loving Bookworm.
@ingraman said in Don't Forget to Get Your Taxes Done with All These April Catchups!:
(Re: 2nd Path) She'll have to crossdress as a boy to become a squirrel
That’s how I read that sentence. I lost a small amount of interest when I realized what it really said, but I’ll be reading it this month. I’m already reading/buying/loving Bookworm.
LOL now I'm picturing Doug the talking dog from UP :)
I might give the Demon Lord Retry! manga a try since I enjoyed both the anime and the LNs.
Wow, a surprising number of anti-AoBers showing up!
I was kind of bored and done with White Cat's Revenge when it finished with vol5. Then from somewhere vol6 showed up. So I might try reading that one volume, just to have the series fully finished. I've dropped plenty series over the years, but usually not after having gotten 5 volumes in.
Well, except for Potions Loli but that was less "dropped" and more "rage quit with great justice."
None of the rest are really grabbing my attention either.
Floof series in the monthly catchup.. I'd be remiss if I didn't at least give it a shot.
Thanks JNC for another month of series to try out.
and +1 to anyone considering Bookworm who hasn't tried it yet. It's a top 3 series for me. -
@travis-butler said in Don't Forget to Get Your Taxes Done with All These April Catchups!:
Bounced hard off of Bookworm Vol. 1 twice now, but given the number of enthusiastic fans it sounds like something I'd really enjoy if I can get over the hump.
The first half of P1V1 is definitely the worst part of Bookworm, since Myne's largely just flailing and being a cringe-inducing selfish brat to everyone around her. It does get better, though.
I don't know if there's a better way to approach the series than to read it anyway, though. The author was adamant with her editor that P1 was not to be abridged, and I think there's good reason for that. I'd suggest the anime (episodes 1-6 correspond to P1V1), but watching her being a cringe-inducing selfish brat isn't much better than reading it.