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Anticipation Thread for Nintendo Switch Jan 12 Conference
There's a new Nintendo system on the way called the Nintendo Switch if you haven't heard. It's a portable system you can take with you to play on the go or dock to play on TV with multiple controllers. Here's its initial teaser trailer.
The console is releasing in March, and the first big blowout is next month during a live streamed event.
Here's only some of the stuff to look forward to based on rumors or confirmations:
From Soft's game (possibly Dark Souls related).
New Mario
Skyrim Switch
Zelda: Breath of the Wild
(you can see Jimmy Fallon try it out on the Switch at the 5 minute mark in the video below)
I'm still waiting for that must have game, but I like Souls series.
I saw the trailer when it came out, it seems like a really interesting idea. I'll wait until there are some reviews on it to see if it's worth to buy or not.
Semi related (probably could be it's own thread), they officially revealed the Nintendo themed part of Univeral Studios, Super Nintendo World.
Very heavily Mario themed.
Switch event happens at 11 PM EST today, January 12 (or tomorrow depending on your geography).
The next morning, Nintendo will be hosting an event demoing the games with their American translation staff.
Supposedly preorders will open up at GameStop early that next day, the 13th (10 AM?), but I'm hoping online retailers will have enough stock available tomorrow night (I doubt it).
I just want information about when or if they'll put out a new Mario maker and or splatoon!
@Sam-Pinansky Rumor mill seems to be pointing towards one of either Mario Maker, Smash Bros, or Splatoon actually being a brand new game, not a port. Splatoon seems the one everyone is expecting to be a sequel. We'll see.
I'm hoping for a new Kirby, Fire Emblem, Metroid, or Wario Land. Whatever FROMsoft (Dark Souls) has in store could be must have too.
Other than that, it'd be wild unlikely stuff like new Earthbound, Famicom Detective, or F-Zero. I'll take any visual novels too.
Hoping to see MOTHER 3 Virtual Console release and to see what titles are going to be there at launch. I also hope there'll be a port of Mario Maker on the Switch.
My biggest "If this is true, I am so happy" would be Animal Crossing Switch version.
Other than that I am not looking forward to see the Rabbids RPG get revealed.
Link to the YouTube video for the event. Less than 15 minutes to go until it starts (11 EST).
Meh, launch lineup not too impressive. Though XBC 2 due in the first year would be impressive. New Mario is interesting. Third party support pretty barren, mostly small games like Puyo Puyo Tetris, Disgaea 5, and Sonic Mania. Absence of Mon Hun was a bit surprising.
I'm not really sold on any of the games graphically though. Nothing wowed me as a WiiU owner.
LOL at no Rabbids x Mario. Maybe that rumor was bunk? I guess we should wait for E3.
Paid online is a huge bummer. =(
Ordered one and I'm looking forward to Xenoblade 2 and Zelda for now! Love those JRPGs. Probably won't touch their online feature at all since its paid.
I ended up getting the PS4 as a big birthday gift, so no Switch for me yet. Hopefully that'll be the first console I buy 100% for myself once the games lineup is there for me. =D
Anybody get the Switch yet? I wouldn't mind watching a small section of some fun Twitch / Youtube series too.
@Terrence I got a switch for Zelda and jrpgs. Will get a chance to try it later today. Heard zelda was really good.
I'm generally more of a PC gamer than a console guy. Ace Attorney is what got me to buy a 3DS and I expect it'd take a Switch-exclusive Ace Attorney game to get me to buy a Switch.
I am also a fan of the classics so a good affordable back catalogue of multiplayer SNES games could also be tempting...
@Shiny said in Anticipation Thread for Nintendo Switch Jan 12 Conference:
I'm generally more of a PC gamer than a console guy. Ace Attorney is what got me to buy a 3DS and I expect it'd take a Switch-exclusive Ace Attorney game to get me to buy a Switch.
Any kind of visual novel / Adventure novel type exclusives like Ace Attorney and Ghost Trick will be something that'll force me to get the Switch.
Have you gotten any of the PC novel games? Root Double is really good. Steins;Gate is solid. I got to finish Clannad and start Muv Luv. Want to get Shuffle and Umineko.
My favorite VN type games were probably the first two Zero Escape games on 3DS / Vita which are getting remade on PC + PS4 (9 Hours 9 Persons 9 Doors, Virtue's Last Reward) and Ever17.
On the Switch, the Virtual Console games will have added online multiplayer, so that's something to look forward to maybe if it works as expected (hoping for Secret of Mana; that'd be amazing to play with other people like Dark Souls).
In terms of the issues with Switch in the news, I'm not so bothered about the dead pixel issue due to EU requirements for distance selling. However, it is pretty bad that there is no way to backup games at present so hope that it is resolved soon.
@Terrence said in Anticipation Thread for Nintendo Switch Jan 12 Conference:
Have you gotten any of the PC novel games?
Yeah, I've played a fair few PC VNs (F/SN, Tsukihime, etc) and have a fair few on my 'to play' list (although some haven't been translated yet last I checked). I also enjoy non-interactive VNs from time to time like Planetarian (which I'd recommend) and of course the classic point & click adventures (Monkey Island, etc).
My favorite VN type games were probably the first two Zero Escape games on 3DS / Vita which are getting remade on PC + PS4 (9 Hours 9 Persons 9 Doors, Virtue's Last Reward) and Ever17.
Ever17 is pretty interesting. Definitely want to check out 999 and VLR at some point. If you haven't played it yet then Hotel Dusk: Room 215 is definitely worth consideration.
On the Switch, the Virtual Console games will have added online multiplayer, so that's something to look forward to maybe if it works as expected (hoping for Secret of Mana; that'd be amazing to play with other people like Dark Souls).
Online multiplayer? Sweet.