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About Illustrations
I just started reading some of your previews and I saw something that kinda bothered me, I noticed that that at one point their was this big break in the text and it didn't take long for me to realize that their was probably supposed to be an illustration there. Now if it was removed because this is a preview then I understand you taking it out so we have some incentive to purchase the digital copy when you release it, though if that is the case why would leave in essentially one big blank space?
If that is not the case though is this some kind of glitch and I'm supposed to see the illustration. Also, sorry if I'm wasting your time but I couldn't find how the illustrations where handled anywhere on your site.
Was the missing picture in the app or on the website? If it was the app, then I think it's a big I've also encountered, but couldn't reproduce so far.
It's hard to know exactly what you're talking about without knowing which title it was and where, but the only illustrations that don't make it into previews are the color illustrations at the very front of the book, which doesn't sound like what you're describing. All of the other ones should be there.
This post is deleted! -
Alright, I've done some more investigating since my first post. it's not just one, I'm not getting any illustrations on any of your previews. I first noticed it in My Big sister lives in a Fantasy World but I looked through both Occult Nine and I saved too Many Girls and Caused the Apocalypse and those were all lacking illustrations. If you would like to investigate further here is the exact model of tablet I purchased.
Also sorry, I guess I should have been a bit more specific and mentioned that I was reading on my tablet in my original post, my bad. if you want any more details feel free to ask.
Do you mean like when u start the Ebook there is no image for the cover? There is only a cover for chapter 1 because it is the start of the book. Any chapter after that won't start with an image because it's mid way through the book.
@Eternal-Wanderer have you never seen pictures at all, or was there a time when there were images, and now there are only gaps?
There really was no before, I just got the tablet today, yours was literally the first app I downloaded and installed, and when I started reading there were huge gaps where the illustrations should be.
@Eternal-Wanderer Which tablet are you using?
I already posted this earlier but this is the tablet I purchased.
@Eternal-Wanderer Okay yes, that does seem to be some issue with images in the App displaying on samsung tablets... I wonder what could be the source of the issue? Something blocking the download I wonder... maybe some kind of android customization they have which blocks URLs as images in apps somehow...
I wish I had a physical device with this problem I could test it on.
Yeah. This also happens to me. It's kinda random, when I first installed the app the images didn't appear then started showing up and for the last couple of days the pictures didn't appear again... and I just checked and the illustrations are there now -,-"
Not sure if the problem is with my phone since its kinda bad, or is with the app itself.
My phone is from a weird brand called 'wiko'.. -
The pictures are there now, so I guess some days get them, some day's I don't.
@Eternal-Wanderer Yeah.. that's also the case for me -,-'' Not sure why though...
I'm beginning to wonder if this is somehow a day night thing, it worked this morning when I checked it before I left for work, but when I decided to read before I went to bad the problem returned. Or maybe its just whenever I feel like reading it just says no images for you.
@Eternal-Wanderer Are you using wifi or 3G/4G? Perhaps it has something to do with your ISP throttling or trying to auto-compress large image downloads?
My family recently upgraded to to 4G so Internet speed might shouldn't be an issue and we still have plenty of bandwidth left to use this month. I don't really know anything about auto compressing large image downloads, if that's a feature that I can enable or disable I would be more than happy to test that out for you.
Also sorry if I'm bugging you with this problem, it's just that i really prefer reading on my tablet to my computer and I'd just like to see if we can find some way to get this resolved because even though I can still read everything, the story just feels incomplete with those big white walls of nothing.
@Eternal-Wanderer You can understand how it's really difficult for me to debug issues that seem to be intermittant to me.
The images are stored in an Amazon S3 bucket for both web and app and the app just should load them straight from that URL...
Like here:
We don't really encrypt or hide them or do anything fancy, so if a device isn't displaying them it must be because it's downloading too slowly from Amazon S3, or perhaps that there's some issue with displaying the image on the hardware?I suspect it's probably some kind of thing related to the internet connection the tablet is hooked up to. I would try hooking it up to home internet connection and see if the problem still happens.
This will be my final post in this thread.
First off thank you for taking the time to reply to me, I know you have a lot of work to do so you even replying to my topic makes me happy.
Second I think I found a work around to this problem, this glitch seems to occur if I leave my tablet on for long periods of time, however if I reset it that seems to fix the problem. Sorry about all my complaining when the actual solution was so simple.
Good luck getting this fixed in the future.