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You Like Me (Mama), not my Daughter?! (Musume Janakute Mama Ga Sukinano!?)
This is very much up my alley. Holy crap.
After reading up to volume 5, I can say the series is even getting better. I don't know how good are sales for Slightly Older Girlfriend here, but I think most of the people who appreciate that series will also love this one.
- 娘じゃなくて私が好きなの!?
Musume janakute Mama ga sukinano!? (Cover)
Musume ja Nakute Mama ga Suki nano!? (MAL)
Musume Janakute Mama ga Sukinano!? (The Site That Shall Not Be Linked) - Author: 望公太 Nozomi Kota | Twitter
- Illustrator: ぎうにう Giuniu | Twitter Pixiv
- Publisher: Dengeki Bunko (Series Page) (Imprint of Kadokawa)
- BW Series Page
- Manga: Manga Park
- Mangaka: 東鉄神 Tesshin Azuma | Twitter
I think that pulls all the LN & Manga publication specific stuff together...
- 娘じゃなくて私が好きなの!?
Volume 6 of the Light Novel and Volume 2 of the manga launched this past week.
Mama also being promoted in Dengeki's Fan Event in December.
Apparently, volume 7 will be the final volume.
Two more volumes should be enough to bring a satisfying ending for this series. I don't know if this is going to affect the chances of it being licensed, though.
@lex said in You Like Me (Mama), not my Daughter?! (Musume Janakute Mama Ga Sukinano!?):
Two more volumes should be enough to bring a satisfying ending for this series. I don't know if this is going to affect the chances of it being licensed, though.
I at least hope it will get licensed. I do read the fan-translated version(up to volume 5) but I'd definitely read the official version too. As for chances, well, how popular is Are You Okay With a Slightly Older Girlfriend?, by the same author(Noza Kotomi)?
Manga adaptation licensed by Seven Seas for a November 2022 release.
@legitpancake I was about to go "COME ON, JUST THE MANGA?" but then I realized it's drawn by Azuma Tesshin and I guess this is fine too.
The manga is very well drawn. I'll definitely be picking that up when it releases.
Some volume 7 images are out there. Remember, this will be the final volume, so the images are bound to be a little more spoilery than usual. It releases on April 8th.
Big fan of this series (I even bought the official Ayako body pillow case for $130 lol.), so I do hope the light novels also get licensed soon, especially since they've ended. However, Seven Seas switched the order of the ! and the ? for their license of the manga, and it absolutely infuriates me! J-Novel Club respected the !? order for Invaders of the Rokujouma!?, so I want you guys to get the license for the light novel and show Seven Seas up. Altho, I would like a print release too haha. (I know you're doing more of those.)
Yeah, I got the body pillow sitting right next to me too. xD
Gonna hope this LN gets picked up soon.
They should just change !? into ‽. =P
@terrence said in You Like Me (Mama), not my Daughter?! (Musume Janakute Mama Ga Sukinano!?):
Gonna hope this LN gets picked up soon.
High chance it will, at some point, this author seems to be popular, j-novel already has two of this author's works, and Tentai just started releasing another one...
So hopefully we'll see this yet. Also glad Seven Seas picked the manga, as said above, it has very good art.