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@sniper_samurai that happened to me for a few days too. But all is well now.
The entry for "GRIMGAR VOL. 8 - Ebook Publishing" in the COMING SOON column is missing the image.
@terabyte fixed.
@Sam-Pinansky that was way too quick! I was editing my post to add something but I'll write it here then lol
It seems there is some kind of sorting issue in the COMING SOON column, list is being loaded backwards. I see MAY 28 as the top entry when I click the SHOW MORE button. And the more I click, the more results are added going back from it. Clicking it until no more results are loaded the entry MARCH 22 finally re-appears at the very bottom of the page.
I think it may be related to the changes made for the RELEASES page which shows the days reversed now, the page now starts from the last day of the month and goes down backwards.
It's anyone else getting the Release list in reverse order?
How about the Coming Soon list jumping to May when you click Next?
@paul-nebeling said in Report Website Bugs Here!:
anyone else
See one post above yours, plus a few posts in other threads ;-)
Ah, I did break it, didn't I?
Damn... Okay I'll try and fix it later today.I did some effeciency changes with the "coming soon" list: it was loading all ~1000+ events which was slowing down the load so I cut it off to ~200... But the list was default ordered oldest to newest, so I reversed the order.
I thought I fixed the logic on the client by reversing the array but I guess that didn't fix everything.
Sam P.
@sam-pinansky Can you also take a look at forum notifications? There are no new lines in them and it makes it kinda hard to read/follow them when they're all jumbled up.
This is an example of what I received for your reply just above:
@terabyte Feel free to post a bug on the NodeBB dev forums about that. Notifications are left default (I'm not sure there's a setting for what you are talking about).
@paul-nebeling Okay, fixed it.
Every time you reloaded the list it kept reversing the array again... whoops ;).All fixed now.
@sam-pinansky okay, I'll post there about it then. I thought maybe you were using a custom theme or had changed a setting since I am not much familiar with NodeBB.
And thanks for fixing the coming soon column, all working okay now ;)
@sam-pinansky Thanks!
The release schedule shows both Part 2 & 3 of Clockwork Planet scheduled for release on March 29. I guess Part 2 ended up being postponed and you forgot to move ahead Parts 3+? Or are we getting 2 releases the same day? Seems unlikely though.
@terabyte said in Report Website Bugs Here!:
Seems unlikely though.
I mean, they could just take a second part, split it in two and call it 2+3.
The reason for keeping it that way is probably that you either move it to some random day (i.e. put it off-schedule for no good reason) but then it's hard to tell by which day is good because thing are delayed and you can't know much in advance or you can move it a week ahead but then you have to move forward the dates for all other parts.Anyway, it hardly matters if it's gonna be released as double and whether they are going to move third part right now or two days later.
Also that's mostly the question about the schedule of staff working on this series so it seems more appropriate for the Clockwork's thread. -
I can reach the front page and here fine. But trying to reach the other(account, releases, titles), nothing's happening.
If I open in another tab it just says; " took too long to respond".Edit; Works now, so just something temporary...
@korppi Yup, The main site's server's host was down for emergency maintenance (hardware failure).
It was back up in about 40 minutes. Sorry for the inconvinience!
@sam-pinansky Part 8 of Volume 8 of In Another World With My Smartphone is missing. Homepage says it is available, but it doesn't load and says it is missing.
@Sam-Pinansky When trying to view a forum profile, without being logged in, this error with no other output appears instead:
{"code":"not-authorised","message":"A valid login session was not found. Please log in and try again.","params":{}} -
@terabyte Opening the forum normally and clicking your link (or your name) leads the page you described which returns 401 status code and unless you turned javascript off you'll get redirected to the login page.
Obviously, that won't happen if you just copy-paste that link into browser (or if you open it in the new tab) because script won't be loaded then. Even then, it's not that big of an issue because you get a pretty understandable message. -
The COMING SOON column on the main site is showing "MONDAY, MAY 28 - THE MASTER OF RAGNAROK VOL. 2 - Ebook Publishing" but I'm sure you guys just forgot to postpone the event in the calendar. The last parts for it came out only last week because of a delay after all.