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Gate: Jieitai Kano Chi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri
add my name to the wish list, I'd buy a full set digital and print. Loved the show, and would love to know what happens next.
+1 for Gate. The plot gets more fun after volume 1. I would love to see this translated by professionals.
Love the anime would love to read the LN.
Oh I would love it as well :D
I'd hoped it had been already picked up... Maybe in the future ^^
Alphapolis recently published a side-volume called Gate 0 which is an expanded volume on the initial Ginza Incident.
Title: ゲート 自衛隊彼の地にて、斯く戦えり | Gate: Jieitai Kanochi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri | Gate: Thus the JSDF Fought There
Author: 柳内たくみ Takumi Yanai | Twitter
Artist (Hardcover Cover Illustrations): Daisuke Izuka | Twitter Pixiv
Artist (Paperback, cover & interior): 黒獅子 Kurojishi | Twitter
Wikipedia: English | Japanese
MALApparently the hardcover was in five volumes, and the paperback in ten; the hardcover volumes got divided in two.
MAL lists maybe six spin-offs and side stories? Some of which may be multi-part themselves.
Plus the manga and anime.It's not a small franchise, anyway.
The author served in the JSDF, and thinks well of the organization as a whole.
This is one of the sources of controversy within the larger fandom concerning this series, based upon how folks view Japan and the JSDF and military in general.
I'll agree that it's a tad too easy to tell who the Big Bads are, and there are certain stereotypes scattered through the entire work that will push some buttons; this based upon the anime.
Some of them pushed my buttons, as being just a tad unsubtle and unnuanced.
Let's just say that the pro-military folks and the anti-military folks have a lot in common in regard to how they portray the folks on the other side of the divide and leave it at that.
I've watched the anime, and enjoyed it.
My understanding is the story gets just a tad darker when you read beyond what's covered in the anime; I can well believe it.Even so, I'd like to read it, to see where the author went with it and the resolution, to the extent that there can be a resolution; tidy endings don't happen for real.
Would definitely love to see this light novel series get licensed.