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Acquisitions Speculation - General
Am I the only one currently craving for surprise licenses from J-Novel Club? I want more surprise licenses!!! I want more fantasy novels, more romance novels, more isekai novels and more gaming novels!!!!!!
They haven't even finished putting out v1s from their previous set of announcements. I can wait a little longer for more.
For when are the next announcements scheduled? 6 of the series I'm reading will end soon and I'm needing new ones. 12 ongoing series left isn't enough for me.
Hmm MicroMagazine is advertising "Mynoghra the Apocalypsis - World conquest by Civilization of Ruin" as licensed in English, but it's not announced for a publisher yet.
@LegitPancake Same thing happened with Pupil Of The Wiseman. In that case Seven Seas announced the license a few months later. As long as Slow Press didn't get it I'm good. Maybe Tantei Books? They have a few license announcements coming up.
Is there anyway J novel can get the liscene right for it? I’m really interested in the LN after reading the manga. -
@Tk67 The rights have already been sold. There's of course the possibility that J-Novel is the one that got it, but if they weren't, then there's nothing they can do about it.
@Tk67 @LegitPancake Seven Seas Entertainment just recently announced two new light novel licenses, but this one wasn‘t included in that. So the chances aren‘t low that it actually got licensed by another publisher.
@Liber-Monstrorum They're going to be announcing licenses through the end of the month, so it's too soon to say, and in any case there's no reason to believe that it's going to be announced soon anyway. Whoever has it could keep it to themselves until they have a translator assigned and a translated title or whatnot.
So it is licensing month at Seven Seas Entertainment? Yen Press recently released a bunch of new licenses too. JNC will do it in April, if I‘m correct?
Tentai has a license March 17th too.
First license hint already up (something like "How many times you can you say I Love You without your cheeks blushing in embarrassment").
Seven Seas got Loner Life in Another World. That's a good one. The manga is already coming out in English(Kaiten Books).
Next monday there will be new licenses announced, I can‘t wait for it!!! Well, it would have been weird, if Seven Seas Entertainment and Yen press announce their new licenses this month and J-Novel Club not. But it seems like this time there won’t be any hints.
Anyway, I really hope they will announce at least one light novel I want to read. -
For reference,
Admin edit: More timezones -
0300 UTC
1200 JST -
And to add, I know it's sometimes outside your control, but I'd really appreciate having the streams at some reasonable time for European timezones. 3-4AM is as inconvenient as it can be.
@Crimson-Wise Our streams are usually at 2000 UTC. As you said, this time is outside our control.
Oh boy! There goes more of my free time and expendable income... AGAIN!
@lighthawk96 You don't need to buy everything, you know.
So far every recent announcement from JNC has had at least one novel I've taken an interest in. Hopefully that continues, or even better if they get something that's on my top 5 list.
I'd be jumping for joy and party like hell if JNC licenses any of the top 20 most Up Voted series in the Licensing Suggestions.