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Time to Fall for February Catchups!
Keep in mind that the anime of ragnarok covered like 9 volumes of content... so you will get to a point very quickly where you will start to spoil the LNs.
@Timmaaah ...that is a large amount of content for just twelve episodes, although I guess it's still not as bad as Hakyu Hoshin Engi cramming 23 volumes of shonen battle manga into 23 episodes of shonen battle anime...
@TheGrimLich Yeah, there is a number of reasons Ragnarok's anime was considered a dumpster fire, and a big one was the pacing and leaving out content. From memory volume 3 had like 5 minutes of air time.
And don't get me started on the animation quality.... -
@Timmaaah Seems kind of like what's going on with the Promised Neverland's anime right now where they seem to have decided just to slash out the middle of the story and go strait to the concluding arc.
In any case I enjoy Ragnarok, though I'm still on the fence about buying premium editions for that series.
It's too bad about Economics of Prophecy, I like that one, and if the WN is really fully complete, it seems strange they're holding back on publishing unless the don't really like how the WN ended up and want to make sweeping changes to the story.
It's kind of nice there's nothing I really want to sample this month though, I'm so busy with work, I don't think I'd have the time to read anything on top of the pre-pubs I'm currently following.
Just wanted to ask but is there any news as to when the magic in this other world is too far behind volume 10 is gonna be released? Also is the author still even working on this series bc a bunch of people i asked on reddit r under the impression that the author dropped this series bc of how long we have had to wait and still have to wait for even a volume 10 announcement.
@Leg3ndaryGamer7 The author hasn't touched the original web novel in over two years, and there's not enough content for a 10th volume. So I think the author has abandoned it. It's possible he could go back and work on it again, but don't get your hopes up.
@LegitPancake That may be true but I've seen authors deleting their web novel while they are publishing the LNs or just advance the LNs and forget about the WNs so you also shouldn't be pessimistic about it.
@LegitPancake iirc, the author had a habit of uploading new chapters after corresponding light novel volume was out (with the exception of the latest volume where he gave up on the wait), so WN is not really representative of author's activity on the novel. He may still work on the new volume or at least have plans to return to it someday. Or not.
@Wellwisher Does the author have a Twitter? Maybe we could ask him there if he does?
I don't have a twitter account and don't speak japanese, so can't help any more wirh that. -
@Wellwisher Unfortunately, my Japanese is basically only good for getting simple directions, recognizing anime catchphrases and meme phrases, and telling VTubers "ganbare!".
Reminder that catchups will be rotating on Monday at around 10 a.m. PST / 1800 UTC!
Finished Far Too Behind just in time. That magic system(s) was weird.
Just managed to scrape in Economics of Prophecy before tomorrow’s turnover. I was intrigued by the concept but somewhat unimpressed with its execution.
I also got pretty bored of The Magic in This Other World after just two volumes, I rather quickly didn’t vibe with its pacing and hearing people’s comments on later volumes just killed my interest I guess lol.
At least Bookworm manga was there to appreciate <3