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Crunchyroll Video About J-Novel Club
Crunchyroll made a nice little video about J-Novel Club's books on Twitter.
Good advertisement :)
I was reading the comments and some people were like "no physical copy = no buy", and I get that but they are missing out on some good series. i.e. Grimgar.
@Anthony said in Crunchyroll Video About J-Novel Club:
One guy in the comments thinks the premium cred is for a % off, not to exchange for the whole book. I think I can see how he came to that conclusion from the wording.
I used my cred, and it seemed to exchange one cred for one copy of Occultic;Nine, not for a discount. The discount is on additional purchases during a month, right?
On the Facebook post (they shared it there too) I mentioned to someone saying the "no physical / no buy" about how they've expressed that they'll only do physical books when / if they get big enough. Also, I think they said in a podcast that novel novels are out of the question for now for the same reasons (needing a physical print run).
I did fail at some math when trying to work out how many volumes you'd have to pay for if you weren't subbed. Said it was 32, but it's actually 48+ assuming you get one every two months for 8 series or more. That's a lot of focused light novel content if subbed. Plus you get to keep 12 of them.
@Terrence The options are pretty good really: people who just like reading whole volumes once in a while can buy the normal ebooks. People who want to read a variety of books and maybe buy a few series can be a normal member. And people who want to either buy everything or read and buy everything can be premium members.
I think the price per content ratio makes it worthwhile. Just need to keep our quality and output up.
We are actually working on the print issue. It won't happen like, super fast, but I think that we will be able to offer hard copies in one way or another in the future.
@Sam-Pinansky what's your take on out of print novels? Would ever try or want to liscence it?
@Anthony said in Crunchyroll Video About J-Novel Club:
@Sam-Pinansky what's your take on out of print novels? Would ever try or want to liscence it?
I'll let Sam answer if he wants to, but this seems relevant from someone that listened to the podcast I believe Sam himself joined recently to talk about J-Novel Club.
@erictbar said in Novel pick-up requests:
@Terrence Almost done listening to this. Seems like a good chuck of the stuff made before 2010 is off the tables because the publishers don't keep their copies of all the assets? That sucks, reminds me of 1960s BBC, who recorded over tapes to save money, not knowing there would be a value for rebroadcasting, streaming, etc. in the future. Because of this, they are now remaking a famous part of Doctor Who animated because they discovered the sound and some other pieces of the puzzle but no video.
Here's the link to the podcast.
@Terrence said in Novel pick-up requests:
I started listening to the podcast here with J-Novel's Sam I believe.
@Terrence thanks for the link, I'll listen to it in a bit. I didn't really get the quote you put, maybe if I listen to the podcast I'll get it, but I'll wait for Sam to respond. Thank you though :).
@Sam-Pinansky Please offer really high quality paper and cover hard copies if you do!
@Bryan I just hope they partner up with Yen Press to do the printing. I'd rather them not going out of business instantly due to printing costs.
@Fezu I can tell you pretty definitively I have no intention of like, trying to print and warehouse and find a distributor for books all ourselves. If we do it, it would be through some kind of partnership.
I'm also looking into print on demand for lower selling titles which could be better than nothing but has some drawbacks.
@Sam-Pinansky When you do print, are you going to give some copies to Indigo (Canadian bookstore) and other bookstores in other countries? Because if I'd have to buy it and get it shipped from the U.S. it's not going to be worth it and I would just buy the ebook (although I do prefer a physical copy).
@Anthony that really depends on who the partner is and what they do for distribution. I likely wouldn't control that directly. But I'm sure we could get a few copies to hand out at conventions and events, etc.
@Sam-Pinansky Speaking of conventions, does J-Novel Club intend to have a presence at conventions? Or perhaps a future presence?
@Sam-Pinansky Okay thanks. Hopefully they get some copies to bookstores not in the U.S.
@Rozmdan since I live in tokyo its not that practical for me to fly out on my own dime, but I would love to piggy back on someone else's booth... er I mean partner with someone!
Maybe I could pay a cosplayer to go around and hand out flyers, or appear on generic light novel panels by skype?
One idea is to encourage normal people to hold panels introducing light novels and we would sponsee them with prizes
I really should try to get to Anime Boston some year as a fan. That'd be a good one for some Light Novel presence maybe. That's in the Spring stateside (April 31-March 2).
Well, I'm going to Pax East (March 10-12), but just going as a fan. I don't know if they get manga stuff in there, but I know video games have a big presence. I'm only going for one of the days.
It'll be the first convention I attend besides the Hot Dog Safari. xD
@Terrence To me it seemed like Anime Boston was mostly all about Voice Actors, Directors, and producers.
That's just my personal opinion though, and I haven't gone for like 3 years.
I would say Anime Expo is a very nice harmony of all media.
And hopefully AnimeNYC will also mimic Anime Expo's setup.
Again just my opinion but I care more about the Manga, and light novel side of media, then the anime side.
@Rahul-Balaggan Ah, so it's more visual media.
I did notice they had some visual novel talks last year, so those could be interesting if I did ever go. I like anime original anime stuff and anime adapted from manga, but I'll always choose to read a light novel or visual novel before seeing the show.
That's what made reading Occultic;Nine LN such a tough choice, because I know it'll impact some of my enjoyment of the eventual visual novel treatment (assuming that's still something happening, and something that would come stateside).
@Terrence I was the manga librarian at anime Boston for two years! About a decade ago