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All routes lead to doom vol 9??
Any idea when this series is released/updated and the time frame?
Can't find any info on here or anything on releases about the next volumes??
As of right now there is no official date for when Volume 9 will start pre-publication on the site.
Everyone's patience during this time is appreciated.
As Rahul said, unfortunately we do not have any news on the next volume of Bakarina right now. For the generic information about future volumes, please refer to this topic:
@myskaros Can you at least answer as to whether or not JNC has secured the rights to Vol 9?
@Kilocron Sorry, we try not to discuss licensing matters publicly.
@myskaros I can understand that. Thanks
@myskaros : Ha ha yes what you say makes perfect sense but I'm truly looking forward to reading volume 9 and (from what I understand) a possible upcoming volume 10 from JNC; so I want to wish you guys all the best and God speed in sorting out the necessary commercial arrangements and formalities and getting the next volumes published as soon as possible. Fingers crossed