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Slave Harem in the Labyrinth of the Other World
@Zing said in Slave Harem in the Labyrinth of the Other World:
I do remember hearing something about author being lambasted because he stopped updating web novel and super slow at publishing the light novel. At what author replied something along the lines of "every toxic comment about his writing speed will equal to even longer delay" or basically that comments like that makes him want to work even less. Primadonna much?
I assume it's not his day job. The books are heavily rewritten, and no one has unlimited bandwidth so I assume he's chosen the option that pays him royalties and advance fees. I assume the same for Kitayama Yuri for Seirei Gensouki (and now that's she's used up most of the material from the Web Novel I suspect there's even less chance of an update there if she maintains her three books a year pace).
@Zing said in Slave Harem in the Labyrinth of the Other World:
To my current knowledge, there is no reboot of the series
Given I couldn't find it in any of the big online bookstores or on Hero Bunko's site I assumed it was bullshit, but since I don't follow any blogs that announce new titles I thought it prudent to ask.
@Zing said in Slave Harem in the Labyrinth of the Other World:
Anyhow, I don't think this series will ever get an official license, so if somebody taken upon them to translate it, more power to them. I personally find the translation to be very good.
I wouldn't expect it to either; this ain't Deathmarch where it's for their own protection, or Shield Hero and 異世界でスキルを解体したらチートな嫁が増殖しました where the harem is abusing magical slavery to gain superpowers (or ニートだけどハロワにいったら異世界につれてかれた, or...). Michio actively seeks out skilled and attractive female slaves to exploit in the dungeon and pressure into bed, and the fact that he treats them like beloved pets that can talk doesn't really temper that at all.... (I may be a little annoyed at that TVTropes page that tiptoed around the fact that the "traditional marriage" his harem resembles is a chattel marriage...)
Anyway, back to the point... if there's no reboot then that's no translation you're reading; it's a Macekre. For instance,
「YOU SHOULD BE THANKING ME, I’M DOING IT ALL FOR YOUR SAKE!」 he shouted as he was beating the crap out of me to the point of unconsciousness.
is pure invention. As are the following two paragraphs., uh, enjoy DarkHeartedAlchemist's story I guess.
@Gamen said in Slave Harem in the Labyrinth of the Other World:
Anyway, back to the point... if there's no reboot then that's no translation you're reading; it's a Macekre. For instance,
「YOU SHOULD BE THANKING ME, I’M DOING IT ALL FOR YOUR SAKE!」 he shouted as he was beating the crap out of me to the point of unconsciousness.
is pure invention. As are the following two paragraphs., uh, enjoy DarkHeartedAlchemist's story I guess.
I own all the Japanese books in the series on bookwalker, I cant read them for obvious reasons. As such, I am unable to confirm or deny if what is translated by DarkHeartedAlchemist is genuine or not.
I dont think I actually mind it at all, in fact, I quite like it what I've read so far. I am greatly enjoying new characteristics protagonist has displayed in the light novel. It makes protagonist more relatable and human than he was in the web novel.
I know that this story is not politically correct, but I don't really care. I like this story because its a believable, laid back, slice of life isekai. If I can get more of it in form of whatever is being put up out light novel translation, why the hell not just enjoy it?
@Zing said in Slave Harem in the Labyrinth of the Other World:
its a believable, laid back, slice of life isekai.
I'r rather call it "a story about sociopath on a loose", but whatever. Nothing to do with all those "correctnesses".
And, let's be honest, heavy rewrite of a novel masked as "reboot" is just a really ugly move.
@Wellwisher Just to be clear since I can't tell who you were saying was making an "ugly move", but there is no official claim to a reboot; that's just some lie someone put on the TV Tropes page along with there being an "officially licensed translation", just like LNTL is lying about translating it. The LN doesn't claim to be anything more than a typical WN-sourced LN that treats the WN as a first draft that needs lots of work.
I think it's difficult to label Michio as a sociopath; put simply he is a believable normal guy: he displays some antisocial traits like his abuse of the discount skill and his brief fantasy of staging an accident to widow a beautiful woman, but his treatment of his harem is well above the norm of his new world. He's got some toxic masculinity in how he pressures each new slave into sex on their first night, but it's after several hours of pampering and bonding to tear down their resistance 'cause he needs them to enjoy it.
So, he's no sociopath but he's also no bastion of virtue; he's normal guy who got lucky, hit the lottery, and can now afford a pretty trophy wife. Which is my point: his relationship with his women is not of lovers or partners, but of master and servant, sugar daddy and sugar baby: rational and transactional and shallow. He pampers them 'cause he wants to be surrounded by well-groomed, enthusiastic young women, and they reciprocate because he provides a life of leisure and adventure and time to pursue their own hobbies that they wouldn't get from other masters (or, importantly, even as free women)
...but there's probably not an English market for a shallow story of a regular Joe and his kept women occasionally breaking out of their routine for a mundane adventure when those women are literally kept via slavery.
@Gamen nah, sorry, but we'll have to agree to disagree here. I read the whole WN, and I fail to see any "normalcy" in MCs behaviour. He's just a mentally unwell paranoid person who continues to spiral down in his madness witout any checks or balances.
Sometimes I even wonder if the intent of the autor was to make an experiment on just how bad he can make things before an audience'll notice that something is not right here. -
@Wellwisher Now you've got me wondering if the WN translation is also fake...
The MC is already traumatized from before he was isekai'd. His personality was shaped when he was a child by his environment of abuse. The world was literally created through his actions before he was transported so his "abuse" of the skills he generated for himself is only natural. The world he created has a system of institutionalized slavery that is accepted throughout society, to the point that the slaves themselves are not adversely affected too much by it. Whether you can accept such a premise as the reader is irrelevant, if you wouldn't enjoy that, don't read it.
Nothing I've read makes me think he's anything more than a man taking advantage of the situation he's found himself in. That's probably why people like the series because it isn't really concerned with high-minded ideals and allows the reader to engage in a fantasy world "realistically" as they would probably act themselves if they could create their own advantages. Neither good or bad necessarily, just living life as good as you can, taking care of the people you want to care for. Being in control of the circumstances you find yourself in. That's part of why he's so cautious in the labyrinths and takes so many measures to ensure his own and his slaves' safety.
@Gamen There was this anime song competition odd half a year ago or so. I guess they were being serious.
Volume 11 synopsis confirms anime adaptation in the works.
So far the Manga Version seems better than Light Novel, especially the art work.