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By the Grace of the Gods anime adaptation discussion!
I just saw the first episode. It's not bad, but also no masterpiece. The opening gave the impression that there might be a lot of romance in there. And we know that this is not the main thing of this series.
The pace is fast, but still ok. Guessing from the opening they will cover quite a bit of the story we know so far. Does anybody know how many episodes it will have?
Ich will definitly keep watching....
@LeinadE According to livechart it will have 12 episodes. I don't see them getting to what they showed in the opening in 12 episodes unless they cut a LOT out which is possible.
@LeinadE Yeah, I just watched the first episode too and that opening gives a really wrong impression of the story. Unless they changed it for the anime to include romance. There's basically been none so far in the LN after 5 volumes.
@Demonskid I didn't see the OP/ED cover more or less than the standard first 3 volumes.
(V1-V3 content spoilers)
Even though the pacing of the story seems kind of fast, admittedly in the LNs that introductory part did actually happen very quickly. They've actually managed to maintain the relaxed atmosphere the LNs have, which I think is the most important part of the series so far.
From what I've observed from comparing LNs I've read to anime adaptations I've seen; anime adaptations including self-narration is the exception not the rule. And that stuff can easily make up half the material in a volume. What does typically make the cut is internal conversation-style thoughts. This actually also seems to remains true for LN to manga adaptations I've had a chance to compare as well.
Is it me, or does the anime appear to be much more focused on Romance than the LN?
@mbuono said in By the Grace of the Gods will be getting a anime adaptation!:
Is it me, or does the anime appear to be much more focused on Romance than the LN?
Unless you're referring to the opening theme, I didn't really catch a lot on the romance department for the first episode. And who knows, series opening themes sometimes exaggerate things to try to draw in viewers. They might play it up a bit more than the novel if they're going to end it at the part where they separate though. It will probably partly depend on if they're aiming for this to be a one shot ad for the light novel, or if they're entertaining the idea of a second season sometime in the future.
@mbuono Well i was waiting some romance in LN but never came, so seeing anime might help my weeb thoughts. Although, around volume 13-14 im waiting that Duke and his wife will offer the engagement or some sort off stuff. However, in first 2 volumes(maybe 3 i dont remember well), our little MC was getting attracted by our little girl. So until they leave, seeing some romance stuff should be natural.
Also in anime his signed a contract, in LN did he do that thing? I remember as he just said "sure i wont tell anyone and even if i did no one would believe me", right?
@hopebestman said in By the Grace of the Gods will be getting a anime adaptation!:
Also in anime his signed a contract, in LN did he do that thing? I remember as he just said "sure i wont tell anyone and even if i did no one would believe me", right?
Yes, he signed one in the LN. He said, "To think I'd be signing contracts even after death..." then they explain its for him to read over and make sure everything is how they said it would be, and that how this check is presented varies from person to person.
@whyohwhy1 it was okay. The OP was a little weird, and to me it implied the story was a romance between Ryoma and Eli. Maybe they are alluding to something from the Japanese releases? But if season 1 follows the early story, the OP is just weird. There is lot of blushing. It's not the vibe I got from the novel.
The animation quality was just okay, and the script from the first episode was a little all over the place. Rather that be in Chronological order, they showed him saving Hughes and then they went over his past. I think they should have left it in Chronological order or just skipped his past until later.
@Demonskid ha, i reread the series but i skipped the first part so i dont remember that well. Thanks for the info.
@hopebestman I ended up double checking myself to make sure. It was going to bug the crap out of me otherwise and I didn't want to spread false info. Any time. I'm far too obsessed with this series, have been since the original version of the web novel. xD
I like how the opening implies we're going to be occasionally seeing those glimpses of Earth from the end of each volume.
Generally enjoyable, but I did notice that it seems they have changed the back story for the Grandparents. In the books the gods arranged for back story, and got the Grandparents permission, but in the anime they just said he made them up.
I just got to reading and smashed through the series up to current in two days. After seeing the first episode and reading the series, I am really worried that they are going to rush too much in 12 episodes if they get to the birds and frogs portion of the series (trying to limit spoilers). That is nearly 3 volumes of content.
@grobinson2k1 most anime adaptations of light novels that I've seen so far do about 3 volumes per season, so that sounds about right actually.
Placing my thoughts, and my reasons for those thoughts, inside a spoiler. Those who have not read the WN, LN, or Manga, beware of spoilers.
Episode 2 tomorrow, and tomorrow can't come fast enough!
Seems like they skiped a lot this time. Going by @Demonskid estimation, they covered material worth 3.5 episodes within 2 episodes.
The pace is fast, but still ok.What I didn't like were the CGI horses, these just hurt to watch. The slimes and magic circles are ok, but these horses.....?
Overall, the style of the series reminds me of Smartphone. I just checked, it was a differnt studio, but the director was the same, so maybe that's why.
@LeinadE Oh geeze those horses.. xD Can we pretend they don't exist?! Are they going to use CGI for all of the animals and beasts?
It was a cute episode, even with everything they cut out. Maybe they'll add some of the stuff that happens in the first town that they skipped in with their arrival in Gimul.
@Demonskid we saw ojou-sama playing violing in intro, so i think farewell will be end of the season :/
Also its a shame that CGI so bad that i cant decide Overlord season 3 is bad or this one.
@hopebestman Yea, I was hoping they wouldn't skip so much and they will probably cut out so much more.
As for the opening, I've seen stuff in openings that ended up not showing up until later seasons. It gave me a little hope (now crushed) for a season 2.