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Arifureta Anime Announced
Announced over the live stream. I'm hearing White Fox from two different people that were watching with me.
It's set to air April 2018.
Please don't suck, please don't suck...
So happy about this. It should certainly boost Arifureta sales too which can only be a good thing.
Next year is godly for me anime wise... Highschool DxD, Arifureta, Death March, OPM, Shield Hero, mothercrushing Index 3... And Overlord, forgot the mighty Overlord...
Lets hope it turns out like Rokka anime and not Campione anime. Would be interested in the opinions of people watching the anime when they go from the 1st arc to the 2nd.
This should be a good opportunity for attracting new customers to JNC. In theory Seven Seas will get a slice, but they'll only be publishing volume 2 in the middle of the anime (May), so those that want to find out what happens next should end up finding JNC, or at least the epubs. A properly timed and advertised "catchup month" for Arifureta could drive people to the site itself.
In theory, Smartphone should have already done this to some extent, but my gut feeling is that the Arifureta anime will manage to catch the attention of more people than the Smartphone anime did.
Yeah the smartphone anime just seemed ... Soulless. It just wasnt right somehow.
As for anime with sex i can think of a few.. Such as future diary. Handled tactfully it should be ok, yet may welk be a draw for those bored of harems which go nowhere
How much of the story do you think they can adapt in a single cour? You think they can reach the end of Volume 4?
best place to stop imo would be Vol 4... but it's probably going to be 1-cour only so I'd rather they only do vols. 1-2... cramming 4 vols in 13 episodes would end up with an extremely rushed job with no sense of tension -_- Let's hope for the best, may we get the same love White Fox gave Re:Zero
Considering there are 3 wall scrolls correlating with the first three volumes for comiket, I bet we'll get 3 volumes. This is pushing the boundry itself for 12-13 episodes honestly. It's probably gonna end up rushed.
Studio isn't an indicator as much as the staff working on it. I'm not familiar with the director this time and I don't know if he's ever adapted an LN before so I'm worried. The character designer I'm pretty sure woke up from a 20 year coma with his style. The series composition person seems solid enough. Once again though, no real LN experience. So I have low hopes despite it being "white fox". -
Either the end of volume 3 or volume 4 seems like a good stopping point to me, perhaps with 3 being a bit better. And 3 is probably better for 1 cour pacing.
@hatguy12 said in Arifureta Anime Announced:
In theory, Smartphone should have already done this to some extent, but my gut feeling is that the Arifureta anime will manage to catch the attention of more people than the Smartphone anime did.
Given the generally abysmal reception and almost universal critical disdain for Smartphone's anime, I'm not surprised that there isn't greater interest in Smartphone.
We are this much closer to Arifureta Doujinshi, Summer Comiket y’all.
@terrence said in Arifureta Anime Announced:
Smartphone had/has issues in Japan anyway for being a bit generic. My guess that Arifureta will be a 4 LN adaption to show MC's triumphant return or 2 to show the second labyrinth. That said, I don't think this will translate well. There's too much narration and inner thoughts work that would be hard to translate into drama.
I think most of the anime staff are new though. I think that's actually a good sign.
After thinking about it, it's possible to adapt the story only up to volume 4, but that might need some tricky script writing. Anyway, I have my hopes up for a 2-cour adaptation. Really hope they don't aim for an anime-original ending.
BTW, don't forget that Kenja no Mago is getting an anime too.
While I really can't comment because I haven't read the light novel, trying to do four volumes jus seems like to much. Most of the anime I've seen that I also have read seem to be 2-3 volumes, and the closest to three, the worse the anime seems to end up.
@paul-nebeling said in Arifureta Anime Announced:
While I really can't comment because I haven't read the light novel, trying to do four volumes jus seems like to much. Most of the anime I've seen that I also have read seem to be 2-3 volumes, and the closest to three, the worse the anime seems to end up.
Someone said there's a lot of internal dialogue in the book. If they cut that out Fate / Stay Unlimited Blade Works style, would it still be tough to condense 4 volumes down into 12 episodes that make sense?
Guess we'll find out.
@shrike_al said in Arifureta Anime Announced:
BTW, don't forget that Kenja no Mago is getting an anime too.
When do we get the LN stateside. :cry:
What does "cour" mean? -
@malloc It refers to a run of episodes, typically broken up by the four times a year that most shows start/end. One cour typically means 10-13 episodes (most often 12).
cour means calendar season. So like fall, winter, spring, and summer. Television scheduling is divided by calendar seasons. So a 11-13 episode series is known as a 1-cour series, a 24-26 is 2-cour, and so on.Also, when a series is broken up so half airs in something like fall, and then the other half in spring with a gap between, that's know as a Split-Cour series. The Gate anime from a little while back was a Split-cour. You don't call the second-cour a second season as that would be incorrect. A season is planned out in advance as a single project, a second season would be a second project unrelated to the production of the first season.