Sorry, I meant I cancelled the membership but I want to uncancel it but no matter how many times I press uncancel it doesn't let me resubscribe
@ImIlyaz Yup! If you're never going to use the reader or apps and just want the epubs, then go buy them. You'll be able to purchase premium credits to buy epubs directly from us soon, too (although you won't get as good a price as Premium Members would).
Thanks. It worked like a charm. And after all that, I think the browser version, even on the tablet, fits my reading style better. But it's good to have options.
Right now unless you are at least a subscriber you can't see any info about credits or library books. But I will update that along with the credit purchasing option.
@Dark-Star-Key I see a Shigofumi avatar. (Nice call by the way. Did you know I translated the subtitles for the DVD release?) Maybe it's a caching issue on your end?
It worked! I did not know you did the subtitles, as I marathoned the show. Now let's see if the LN can be translated. Kana Ueda and Eri Sendai were amazing in it... (gets comically lost in thought)