The Secrets of Rozemynian Mana Manipulation™ Revealed!
Even a Monkey can do Rozemynian Mana Manipulation™.
Sample Data:
Water Guns
Driveable High Beasts
Cloak of Darkness
Myne's Final Blessing™
The Crushing
Magic Circuits Circles
Rozemynian Mana Manipulation™, at heart, is a subset of 'Toon Physics.
Reality is what you envision it to be
Thus, the ability to imagine something as being possible, to put together a model in your mind of how it would work, to name it if the intent is repeated use, and [when needful] to convey this to That Which Manifests Reality [in general, deities].
Obtaining your Divine Will makes all of this much easier, but that's a crutch, not a true necessity. [References: Changes in the RA Curriculum as a result of the Zent Decree of Year (smudged text) Post-Purge]
Strong emotions open wide the floodgates of mana [See: Rozemyne's Final Blessing™, The Blessing of Eglantine, Whirling Rozemyne Does Elton John, Evil Santa Must Die!, In Defence of Tuuli, Ferdinand's Concert (Fangirl Edition), Rozemyne's experiences with The Devouring and Despair, amongst others.]
It has to make sense to the one manipulating mana. [See: Driveable High Beasts, Water Gun, RMCM]
Driveable High Beasts:
Rozemyne, being heavily influenced by the Urano Memory Upsurge, has a different view of what's possible than those whose only frame of reference is Daily Life in Yurgenschmidt.
When tasked with creating a High Beast to use for transportation...the concept of Transportation was of greater influence than the concept of High Beast. She doesn't share the Yurgenschmidt vision of just what a High Beast is, and her concepts of forms of transportation differ as well.
It had to be something she could get behind, and Feybeasts weren't it.
It's an animeish world, so Pandabuses it is!
[Be thankful she wasn't a major Gundam™ fan]
Your garden variety Pandabus can change size, seating and cargo capacity, has doors and windows that can open and shut, fly despite being aerodynamically unsound ...and apparently independently variable length legs.
That last has to do with trudging down stairs while remaining comfortably seated in her Pandabus.
The body of the Pandabus remains perpendicular to the source of gravity despite traveling up and down stairs.
This requires a change in the length of that which supports the Pandabus, since it's not in 'flight mode'.
The stairs are reached.
A 'leg' reaches forward and literally changes length as required to reach the next step.
The adjacent 'leg' follows suit, either to the same step or the one beyond, depending upon the type of progress desired.
The Pandabus shifts forward, now supported by 'front legs' upon one (or more) steps and 'rear legs' of appropriately differing length upon one (or more) other steps.
There are several ways of envisioning the changing length of the legs.
Consider a 'scissors lift'.
A collapsible telescope akin to those stereotypically used by ship's captains.
Or that it just changes length, materials smoothly extending or fading away as required with no change in diameter or mass of the already extant 'legs'.
Provided the one creating the High Beast can wrap their mind around how it works, it'll work out.
Support for this, outside of a passsage detailing Rozemyne trudging down the stairs within her Pandabus, would be Hirsher's Driveable High Beast.
Hirsher couldn't get how a steering wheel would direct the motion of the High Beast, but could 'grasp' the concept of using reins. [pun intended.]
So her Driveable High Beast has reins.
Water Guns:
A Water Gun works by having a reservoir for containing that which gets sent out in a stream, a mechanism for forcing that out (a pump), and a means of controlling that mechanism (a trigger).
The person casting Water Gun has to grasp how that all works at some level.
An opaque Water Gun doesn't provide enough information for someone not familiar with how they work to successfully create one despite overhearing the magic phrase 'Water Gun'.
If you observe a transparent Water Gun in use and know the magic phrase 'Water Gun' it is then possible to create one yourself; the inner workings are part of what must be visualized.
It appears you really do need to grasp how something works, as Rozemyne failed in her attempts to create a computer printer in this manner; it's a much more complex item than a simple pump.
Compression methods:
Compression methods are all about visualizing what's happening to the mana being compressed.
So it has to be a process that you understand.
Visual examples help loads when teaching how to compress mana.
You need to grok how what you are visualizing allows something to be stored in a smaller space...or take it on faith if your name is Angelica ["OK, I saw her fold up a blanket and it toke up less space within her footlocker than shoving it in as a scrunched up wad of cloth. I don't get how that works, but I can do this!]["The suitcase is full to bursting, but if I sit upon it I can still get more stuff inside! I'm good at sitting upon things."]
Belief and Intent counts:
Spells are short forms of prayers.
Clear, precise, no question what occurs.
And that, and only that, is what occurs.
Prayers are rather more vague as to just what aspect is the most important, and thus can have different effects depending upon who recites the prayer.
The needs of the moment will determine which aspect is of most importance in the mind of the one who prays.
Extempore prayers can be effective if you believe they will be responded to; phrasing still counts, as you are requesting aid, not commanding assistance.
Well, my brain is turning to mush so nothing further should be attempted, I guess.
Picking up somewhat later with no intervening posts...
Visualization is key to doing stuff with mana.
Why would Lessy present different flight profiles given aerodynamics having nothing to do with her flight capabilities?
Belief upon the part of her operator; whatever Lessy does has to fall within Rozemyne's [this is possible] worldview, and if that worldview includes altering orientation during ascending or descending flight, that's what Lessy will do.
If you did have front-mounted Water Guns, or someone shooting stuff out windows using a sling shot, the orientation of Lessy in regard to their target(s) does matter.