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Thinking of going premium (should i try membership first?) also in prepub
I just mentioned Rokujouma because it is the exception to the Catch-up Rule as it is under Catch-Up mode all the time (and is a pretty good series).
Purchased book (on JNCs site) comes with bonuses and from my knowledge, JNC licenses individual books and Licences usually last like 5 yrs or so, so there is a risk when the deadtime to renew the rights comes (like if that series is not popular and not making money).
Hope you do well in your Classes and welcome to the nightmare that is "Try to keep up with JNC (Especially as a Student)," You may feel that you are too slow but you just have to wait until Summer Break when you have so much more time to read. I need to cram as much reading as I can in that 4 month period I will get.
@drone205 i know ill probs know this once i buy premium but only purchased books can be downloaded its what im getting.
also which version do i buy to get it as a file on my computer? or is that not how it works
sorry if im being annoying with all the repeating Qs and asking the obv. premium is like a day or 2 of my food so i want to make sure
@rusttlemejimmmy If you buy a book on JNCs site you can download it as an epub on your computer, make sure you are logged in and on JNCs main page and:
[Acount] > [My Library] and then you can download anything that is there. if you get to have too many books you can always search for the specific book you want to download. It should be in your downloads folder or wherever your downloads automatically go.
@drone205 thank you tips fedora
come forth instant ramen. your time has come!
@rusttlemejimmmy That is correct.
Thanks for the clarification.