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Customer Complaint: Why aren’t people listening?
No reason no saved or unsaved immediate ideas.
Customer Complaint: Why aren’t people listening? No reason no saved or unsaved immediate ideas. The men weren’t listening there wasn’t room to industrial come.
Customer Complaint: Why aren’t people listening? No reason no saved or unsaved no immediate ideas.
Customer Complaint: Why aren’t you paying attention to his valid opinion?
No one did any right but me.
What's the can't?
Why don't we the public get it all?
Why aren't the people worth commenting with?
Why aren't I worth replying to?
Not entirely sure what the complaint is exactly, could you possibly elaborate so someone may be able to provide assistance?
Also the reason there is less activity is that it is currently the weekend, and off-business hours.
In the 2+ hours that these messages have been available, and the 5+ hours that Paul's messages have been visible, there have been a number of replies to other messages. Could it be that those messages have not been visible to him?
Maybe it's a bot, there's literally no reason to post one line nonsensical messages in a continual series of double posts.
Premium member, sure. All ya gotta do is toss in the requisite money.
When was the account registered, and what other activity has been seen from it?Because everything the account posted here is inflammatory with no substance.
Registered in 2016, 33 posts total, and not a single one is relevant to anything J-Novel Club has been publishing, some stuff might have been of use if submitted as a License Request, but on the whole...
This chap has literally no clue whatsoever what these forums are for. -
This post is deleted! -
@rahul-balaggan The complaint is I want every last series from Zero-Sum Iris Bunko on your service today. As a top paying subscriber why aren't I getting it after years of customer loyalty? You're a better Company than Shounen Jump I know you are!
Licensing does not work like that unfortunate as it is.
You are free to make suggestion topic in the licensing suggestion sub-forum for any individual series you like, however that does not automatically entail any sort of license.
Also, sorry but J-Novel Club does not publicly comment on any potential licensing decision or acquisitions.
Thank you
I don't know if your a troll or just uninformed. But licensing needs a lot more than just demands from customers. It needs money, time, and staff.JNC is a good publisher. Better than the rest. But even JNC does not have enough of the three to license all series from one publisher. I don't even think any English publishers can.
Licensing also takes time for negotiations so you can't just demand for it to be done in a few minutes. However, in the very unlikely chance that it does, the translation process will still take a few days or weeks depending on the availability of the staff.
I am sorry to be the bearer or bad news but all the single word topic with links to publisher pages on Manga Updates need to stop.
They are nothing more than spam on these forums.
You are free to make discussion topics for a series, in the appropriate sub-forum, you can make suggestions for potential licenses in the proper sub-forum, and you are free to make topics discussing individual publishers as a whole.
However, you don’t seem to be doing any of those, your topics that are nothing more than a name of a publisher with just a single word or two in the message have been deleted for being spam.
Your comments in certain volume discussion topics that had nothing to do with the topic at hand have also been removed.
Please stop spamming the forums.
Thank you,
Rahul Balaggan
J-Novel Club forum moderator -
@rahul-balaggan Methinks he has declared he will not cooperate...
I will be issuing a 1 week ban on your forum account.