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Acquisitions Speculation - General
Eh. I don't care either way myself, long as it's going through. :) Appreciate the hard work you do, Sam.
@sam-pinansky said in New Acquisitions Speculation General [11 NEW AQUISITIONS ANNOUNCED!9 AQUISITIONS LEFT TO BE ANNOUNCED! NEW PUBLISHER!!!]:
@catstorm This is actually kind of normal with kodansha. They move slowly with contracts/materials...
We got permission to announce it early. Maybe next time it's better to just wait until we have all the materials already fully ready.
I'll cop to being a bit excited/impatient myself, but I'm fine with announcing things early. Yen and Seven Seas usually announce things even further ahead, so a month or two isn't too bad. In this case we even have a ton of new stuff from AX to hold us over.
We're just used to more instant gratification with your announcements, usually you guys announce and roll out some parts from the outset.
@lazyproblems Okay, the contract is literally in my mailbox now.
All that's left is to wait for them to send us the data for the cover.
This post is deleted! -
Echo is up.
Bakarina & Head Beast, when?
I'll probs check out Echo, cause I check out most everything, but I'm hyped for those other two
@smashman42 Sam mentioned earlier this week on Discord that he finally got all the materials for Bakarina, so he was hoping it could go up this week, but wasn't sure about scheduling. I've been refreshing and watching for news all day, but at this point just I'm crossing my fingers for sometime this weekend D:
I’ll probably be checking it out after work and after my homework is done which is to email my professor. Which I neglected doing so since Monday. Damn I’m something else for sure.
Echo is not my thing. I'll be talking a look at Bakarina and Head Best though.
I hope Bakarina gets posted soon, from what I've read about it on Tvtropes it sounds hilarious.
@eternal-wanderer Sam said it should get posted this week together with Beast Head.
I guess we're getting the usual 4 parts for both since it's the first volume of a new series, right?
@terabyte I think both will actually go up wednesday next week because that'll be the release day. And bakarina will get 4 parts while Best Head will get 2 or 3 since it's only 2 volumes long.
Keep a look out for the events! We're just doing the final preparations now. -
@sam-pinansky happy the hear that.
Could you guys also look into doing Gamers! by Sekina Aoi. The publisher is Fujimi Shobo. It has been adapted into both an anime too.
@rishirk said in New Acquisitions Speculation General [11 NEW AQUISITIONS ANNOUNCED!9 AQUISITIONS LEFT TO BE ANNOUNCED! NEW PUBLISHER!!!]:
Could you guys also look into doing Gamers! by Sekina Aoi. The publisher is Fujimi Shobo. It has been adapted into both an anime too.
If you want Gamers, show support in its request thread. =)
Sam mentioned on Discord that he has 3 LNs and a one-shot licensed that will probably be announced around Thanksgiving (3rd week of November).
That's far to far away... feels like it's been forever since a new book i liked was announced....
@timaaahh And the announcements page not being updated doesn't help either. Bakarina, Beast Head and ECHO aren't even listed there. (Though ECHO does have its homepage slider entry.)
Anybody knows what sol announced at the kumoricon LN wise?
@happy said in New Acquisitions Speculation General [11 NEW AQUISITIONS ANNOUNCED!9 AQUISITIONS LEFT TO BE ANNOUNCED! NEW PUBLISHER!!!]:
Anybody knows what sol announced at the kumoricon LN wise?
I think it starts in 14 minutes. I could be wrong though.
Hopefully someone livetweets.
Edit: Their latest blog post said they were thinking about streaming "(if possible)", but nothing posted so far. Their Twitter will probably post updates as they happen.