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Acquisitions Speculation - General
OK, I just looked through the scanlated chapters of the Realist manga.
The "balloon boob syndrome" is there, yeah (HOLY HELL EXCEL). But aside from that, the art is pretty well done IMO. I really like Tomoe and Liscia's designs and the crowd shots really made the world feel alive to me.And I'm so glad I can finally distinguish between Souma and Hal without a struggle.
In the novel illustrations the only difference I can spot is Hal's slightly longer bangs and red-ish hair (when he appears in color...). -
I don't like how the manga art largely does not have shading, does not use variable line thickness, comes off looking sort of like sketches, and the way that every female character got huge... upgrades.
If Realist Hero is getting a manga adaptation, is an anime in the future? (Please don't screw it up like Master of Ragnarok.)
@paul-nebeling I imagine this happens and they use the LN art as a base & there'll be a vocal manga only fanbase that goes off their nut over it not looking right cause teh bewbs are too small.
@smashman42 Well, then we will know what they were really interested in.
So any Discord rumors about when new titles might be teased? It’s been a month since AX and I believe there were a few more that were being cued up.
(Not that I need more right now, still have three volume 1s to get through)
@the-green-death In 4 days in Otakuthon.
No concrete clues for any of the upcoming titles, however here is 1 from Discord
Some random thoughts on the clue "(echo)". I'll spoiler them just so others have a chance to see the clue and develop initial thoughts without being influenced by the direction mine went in, since I don't think my thoughts are all that likely to be correct.
I can't actually think of any titles that line of thought would be hinting, but maybe others can if nothing good comes out of other lines of thought.
Otakuthon panel streaming right now. 4 titles are minutes away from being announced.
Otakuthon announcements:
- How NOT to Summon a Demon Lord physical prints
- ECHO, novelization of a Crusher P vocaloid song
- All Routes Lead to Doom! My Next Life as a Villainess (Bakarina, JNC forum suggestion topic)
- Apparently it's My Fault that my Husband's Head Turned into that of a Beast (CDJapan link)
- There is a girl who sees everyone's heads as beasts. One day she meets a man who she sees has a human head, so she marries him. However, now everyone else sees his head as a beast's, and she wonders if she caused it.
Ugh, more things to read now as if I hadn't enough already. I'll surely take a look at Bakarina and Head Beast.
Bakarina by yours truly btw.
Mister Shark says hi.
- Apparently it's My Fault that my Husband's Head Turned into that of a Beast
I need to see what this is. I love fun setups like that.
@terrence Were you watching the panel?
Nope, but I did give a glance to the Periscope after I posted.
Yeah, I've never seen that Beast Headed Husband one since it's Shoujo. Destruction Flags I know because it has been talked about a lot, and I think I'll have fun with that. I looked up the song for Echo, but I'll try to avoid giving it a listen until I read the book.
Edit: Did they mention anything about the catch up for this month?
Sam described it as "A girl sees everyone's heads as beasts, so when one day she meets someone with a human head, she marries him immediately. However, now everyone else sees his head as a beast's, and she wonders if she caused it."
No word on catchup, but Sam did mention in Discord that he needs to change it lol.
@terrence Me, I did listen to the song and it was pretty good IMO.
@myskaros said in New Acquisitions Speculation General [11 NEW AQUISITIONS ANNOUNCED!9 AQUISITIONS LEFT TO BE ANNOUNCED! NEW PUBLISHER!!!]:
Otakuthon announcements:
- All Routes Lead to Doom! My Next Life as a Villainess (Bakarina, JNC forum suggestion topic)
intense, cackling laughter of unsettling joy and triumph
@shirley !!! That's awesome, I'm REALLY looking forward to the comedy. Read this in WN form.