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Acquisitions Speculation - General
@nosgoroth said in Acquisitions Speculation - General [AnimeNYC Nov 15-17]:
@tusf I don't see malicious intent in Raitorio's scenario
"They're doing 3 volumes at once, to fool the fans!" — I can't not read malicious intent into that scenario. If anything, they're just covering 3 volumes at once to catch up to what the anime has already covered.
@tusf May be you're right and they're only publishing 3 books at once to cover the anime. But while it's likely part of the reasons they did it, they could also be trying to make people think that they will quickly published the series.
Maybe it's not out of ill will and it's part of an effort to better themselves, their brand image, and they intend to deliver on that series.
But given their history and how they seems to treat people who works them, I wouldn't put it pass them to try and fool people, if not out of ill will, at least out of incompetence. -
If were really getting more new licenses during AnimeNYC I wonder why today's licenses weren't just saved for then.
@eternal-wanderer to build up hype for next week
For those of you who don't Discord:
Tries to think of series with English titles or series with unedited Japanese titles for anime that are popular enough not to change.
Hmmm intensifies.
Are there any titles that just consist of a name or other proper noun? Or maybe it could just be titles that already have an official English name from an anime adaptation. Or both. Or a title that was written in English originally (and properly) for whatever reason.
“Gamers” can be one of em XD
@hyferzftw said in Acquisitions Speculation - General [AnimeNYC Nov 15-17]:
“Gamers” can be one of em XD
I'd die and automatically revive out of happiness if this was true. Others that come to mind would be High School DxD, Campione and Date a Live but I doubt we'd get those, GAMERS seems much more plausible.
Going for recent stuff with anime adaptations, Assassin's Pride would be a decent guess. On lesser known stuff I'd kill for would be Chronicle Legion, the first 3 volumes were great, with that characteristic style by Takedzuki Jou with lots of historical references.
My first guess is Cop Craft. Sam got Gatou's other series, and Liz is done with Amaburi so he can release it now and still keep Liz the dedicated Gatou translator.
Second guess is High School DxD. If you take Sam at face value, you'd rule this one out because he said "Calling it now: high school dxd ;)" with respect to guessing Sol's last license. But I think Sam likes misdirection, and it's been over a year (maybe?) since he first mentioned looking at licensing DxD. This is also the only series I can really think of as "winning the convention," which Sam has claimed this batch will do.
Maybe Date A Live could count, but my impression is that its following is much smaller than DxD. (Though neither are my cup of tea, so I may not have the most accurate view)
I think Gamers is a good guess too, though it didn't jump to my mind immediately.
The other "no need to come up with an English title" series that come to my mind (stuff like Campione) I feel have been completed too long ago to be worthwhile licenses.
My hope are on Sevens, CopCraft or (let's dream) some Fate title, but Assassin pride seems like the best bet.
I see a bunch of english titles on unknown series.
@eternal-wanderer Maybe but now that the anime adaptation is out and quite popular he may have changed his mind. Especially since Assassin pride is from a genre and has characters, similar to what a sizeable part of JNC readers like.
I'll throw Tokyo Ravens into the mix of guesses. Not that I think it has a lot of a chances, but one can hope, eh...
One title I can think of is “I applied as a swordsman, but my magic is at 9999” or something along those lines that’s my hope at least
I'm hoping for "I Hate Being in Pain, so I Made a Full Defense Build" or Shield Heroine. That one will probably get an altered title though, doesn't fit for the "we didn't have to do anything to the title" hint.
A few others I'm putting my hopes in JNC getting since I think they'd fit their majority target audience.
@terrence that’s my other hope right there but as you said that title would need to be changed so that’s why I didn’t mention it
Sam mentioned that some of them wouldn't have to be changed, not all of them so any unlicensed series is fair game.
@terrence Oh, that one'd be nice.