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Acquisitions Speculation - General
There are honestly nearly not enough good LNs out there (that are officially released in English) not to be able to keep up.
Well, I ain't complaining much about having a backlog, it means I can always have smth to read (but kinda hope to be able to keep my purchases up with the releases...I already the fact that I already was aware of the market quite late so there are so many books outta print like The Summer of the Ubume.)(other Japanese fiction I feel a lack with at times)
I was surprised with the amount of titles that came out in 2018, I think we really need some kind of subculture or, at least, a site. tbh, I really dunno how to keep up with Japanese fiction news...
@hyferzftw said in New Acquisitions Speculation General [9 NEW AQUISITIONS ANNOUNCED (5 MANGA, 4 LNs) 1 LN Unconfirmed!]:
One day I’ll learn to read Japanese and won’t have to wait anymore (hopefully)
I alwas got something to read, it doesn't have to be the same series so I am content tbh
Since I read more than just LNs -
@raitoiro said in New Acquisitions Speculation General [9 NEW AQUISITIONS ANNOUNCED (5 MANGA, 4 LNs) 1 LN Unconfirmed!]:
But i can see where you're going, it's true that most person probably don't read as much or slower, but most people probably also read less series simultaneously so having a release rate of a vol each 2 month is probably better since you let enough time for even the slowest of reader to finish the last vol before the new one is out, but you also keep the wait short enough to keep people interested. But it's true that having people falling too much behind can also be a problem.
Monogatari was like that but I was caught by other series and stand-alone books too
I just feel there are enough titles around to fill the void between the volumes. -
Welcome to Japan, Ms. Elf!
Guess this is the rumoured reverse-isekai? Yeah, everybody knew that Cop Craft would be waaaaaaaaaay too good to be true for JNC.
Holy heck, I guessed a second one. This has a manga coming too in Japan.
Welcome to Japan, Ms. Elf!
The Bookwalker link I posted earlier. The LN has two volumes out.
I was taking a look at the manga raws last week, talk about timing 😄
And I was reading the translated manga just a few days ago :)
I just had another look at the series page and noticed it has the gourmet tag. So we got 2 food-related LNs at once? That's not exactly the kind of reverse isekai I was expecting. And I didn't get a feeling of it being food-related from the first manga chapter either.
I'll give it a read later after work and see how it goes 🤔
I know many are happy about licenses so I don't wanna sound annoying and I won't be commenting on the titles per se.
But after this and YP, I feel this lack of balance in licenses.
like so far, all LNs licenses here are Fantasy, slice of life type. Not the type with action or suspense or plot-heavy...just the relaxed/relaxing type series.And all Manga but one are LN adaptation which is, tbh, disappointing when JNC just went into Manga field where you see more diversity of genres and titles and would be a good chance to reel in new blood (readership).
I'd actually say J-Novel doesn't have enough Slice of Life, it has a lot of action. Granted, some started as more SoL like Smartphone before going more actiony and plotty.
As for plot heavy, quite a few of them have a strong overarching plot. Faraway Paladin. Rokujouma, in spite of liking slice of life arcs, has a rather strongly written metaplot. It's pretty obvious Infinite Dendogram is building towards something. Others have fairly strong arcs, though less of a metaplot sort of arc.
As for diversity of genres, it's pretty simple. Sam licenses what sells. He made a joke once I believe that whenever someone complains about isekai, he makes another sale of Smartphone. :) I try to encourage other genres myself - I buy Rokujouma because I love it for instance and want more like that done, but I'd much rather Sam license what sells with the occasional chance license than to chase the tail and go bankrupt.
@bloodygaikotsu said in New Acquisitions Speculation General [9 NEW AQUISITIONS ANNOUNCED (5 MANGA, 4 LNs) 1 LN Unconfirmed!]:
And all Manga but one are LN adaptation
It's actually two.
Animeta and A Very Fairy Apartment.
Unless you mean only one non-fantasy manga (that's still one more than I expected personally, so I'm happy for now; more non-LN adaptations would be nice though, and get me to spend on some digital manga).
The Yen Press LN announcements are kind of whatever to me just because I've never seen the Shoujo looking fantasy one (could be good though) and I don't really care about My Hero Academia.
YP's announcements are somehow even more underwhelming than JNC's. Waiting mode intensifies.
I mean diversity in one set of licenses.When you look at the licenses that came together and you just find they are like targeting the same single group.
They leave the worst after-taste.I didn't even complain about fantasy or lack of non-fantasy (aside from the fact that it's known that I'm more into different type of series).
Like even if all 4-5 licenses are isekai or fantasy, I won't really complain much but the problem is, so far, they all are of the same subgenre of fantasy/isekai.
Like it's not smth for How not summon demon lord fans and smth for who like relaxing travel the fantasy world stuff and smth for fluffy SOL/romcom stuff like elf wife or defeat the demonLord or smth for realist hero fans.
When the same set of license look the same, they kinda look even more underwhelming (well, the one lucky group will be too overwhelmed on the other hand).
@terrence said in New Acquisitions Speculation General [9 NEW AQUISITIONS ANNOUNCED (5 MANGA, 4 LNs) 1 LN Unconfirmed!]:
about My Hero Academia.
I think you mean Little Witch Academia lol
Well, for YP, I have nothing tbh
I might try Honda and SECRETLY, I’VE BEEN SUFFERING ABOUT BEING SEXLESS but that's all. (No LNs) -
Well, iirc, Sam was looking into Yuri (per Curiosity Cat, but I don't want to dig for the post; referenced it on the Adachi x Shimamura or whatever LN thread).
So that's potentially a genre that's still coming (that'll probably be SOL too though, unless he licenses a drama or something though).
@bloodygaikotsu said in New Acquisitions Speculation General [9 NEW AQUISITIONS ANNOUNCED (5 MANGA, 4 LNs) 1 LN Unconfirmed!]:
@terrence said in New Acquisitions Speculation General [9 NEW AQUISITIONS ANNOUNCED (5 MANGA, 4 LNs) 1 LN Unconfirmed!]:
about My Hero Academia.
I think you mean Little Witch Academia lol
They exist in the same space in my mind, lol.
I made LNDB pages for the two new LN licenses: -
I don't care even if I hate all licenses but I just like to see different subgenres/genres within the one set.
Weird declaration, I know.
(Ofc, I would love Drama, romcom and psychological stuff but I want diversity more)But what's weirder is how an ASCII Media Works title with the most popular anime last season (or one of the most popular) is still unlicensed when the sequel is just months away.
Like ASCII should be the line that we get its titles the most. -
@bloodygaikotsu Maybe these are just the "leftovers" that were being worked on with earlier licensing "batches" but took some extra time to finalize the deals? (Heck, one still needs to be finalized...) That they're all of the "same subgenre" is just kinda how they played out...
(I could also get into how "slice-of-life" is a far bigger subgenre than many people think and that the three LNs so far actually have significantly different takes on it, from primarily comedic to fluffy to more down-to-earth...)
As for the manga, honestly, with manga chapters hardly being updated at the moment it's probably for the best that the announcements on that side have been fairly low-key. Let's wait until the release schedule stabilizes and then maybe we can get some more unique titles?
Though I personally think it's better if JNC doesn't get too much into the manga side since I think it's better that the company name is more associated with light novels, so having mostly manga adaptations of LNs is fine and then throw some other stuff to perhaps catch that "larger readership" but don't skew the ratio too much to the latter.