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Get Up to Date with September Catchups!
@moonpie - that's what I like about catch up months, I can take more chances on series that I'm not sure about. Being able to read up to a whole volume is much better than a tiny sample from Amazon.
I've found many series thanks to it, and also some that really aren't my cup of tea. LIKE WATARU EVEN THOUGH HE HAS MANY FANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!one!
(And it's not about a series being "good" or "bad" -- I like what I like, and I don't enjoy some series that are considered quite good by others.)
@moonpie said in Get Up to Date with September Catchups!:
Thanks for putting Fushi no Kami on catchup. It's a series that's been on my radar for a while due to people saying it's like bookworm.
I read the first volume and came to the conclusion that any resemblance to bookworm is superficial and that the series really is not for me. But now I know and that's a mystery resolved for me.
it's clearly modeled after bookworm though. It's just only about 1/4 as good. So, a normal LN.
@poisonedbite If I had to describe FnK by reference to bookworm, I would say: Bookworm, but an adolescent power fantasy.
But really, I wouldn't compare them at all. Even if they start from similar premises, the interests of the authors diverge so wildly the two series end up having very different appeals (though I accept there might be overlap in their audiences).
@harmlessdave Hear, hear. It's a great service!
Hello catchup readers! Friendly reminder that catchups will be changing on Friday, October 1, around or after 1000 PDT (1700 UTC), so get your reading done before then!