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Credit Sale for Cyber Monday!
I bit the bullet and got 100 credits this year. I probably won't actually go through them before the next sale, but they'd be gone in an instant if JNC were to be able to crack AlphaPolis' shell and actually get them to start licensing some of their LNs
I just ponied up for 20 credits. Not sure what I'll spend them on yet, but they don't expire, so. After all, there are several series i could buy up. Dendrogram, Outbreak Company, Faraway Paladin, Kokoro Connect just to name a few.
I got 30 which I think is what I got last year and I had just 2 left on top of my premium credits. I'll finish off Outbreak, keep up with Slayers and probably get my favorite of the romantic comedies.
I ended picking up a 100. I don't know If I really need that many, but since I bought on Amazon before and now buying from j-novel I figured it would be better to. buy more than not enough.
Oh wow, almost missed it.
I went for the full hundred too ... I'm switching all the series I follow on amazon to premium with all the idiocy they've been pulling lately.
Just a reminder that this sale ends in a bit under 8 hours from this message! If you want to buy discounted credits, better do it soon!
@myskaros I'm being a good little boy and stopped at 100. Although I went through more than that this past year, the bulk drop of Invaders books accounts for the excess.
The sale is over! Hope everyone was able to get what credits or books on Google Play they wanted!
@myskaros It should be removed from the front page scroll, or the graphic edited to say "OVER!"
@SomeOldGuy Yep, I just woke up and removed it lol. It might take a minute to properly go away, or you might need to hard-refresh D:
Would love this sale to happen again 🥺
@legitpancake said in Credit Sale for Cyber Monday!:
Would love this sale to happen again 🥺
I remember reading (not sure where; maybe Discord?) that it's not gonna happen this year.
Well it would be nice to have confirmation here if it is happening or not, and when if it is. I will drop somewhere between $250-$500 on credits if it is happening. If not then I will pay as I go as normal, but I will probably buy fewer books overall as I won't have a glut of credits to spend on novels I normally wouldn't take a chance on.
@blort Yeah my thoughts exactly. There are a series or two that I have read on catch-up that I would buy in their entirety if there's a credit sale but otherwise I will probably just purchase next volume of the few favourites that I have previously bought volumes of.
@terabyte said in Credit Sale for Cyber Monday!:
@legitpancake said in Credit Sale for Cyber Monday!:
Would love this sale to happen again 🥺
I remember reading (not sure where; maybe Discord?) that it's not gonna happen this year.
I saw that on the discord this weekend too.
@blort Honestly, I agree on that point. Being able to purchase a large cache of credits to use as I see fit lifts the mental burden of having to purchase credits each and every time I want purchase something new. I've definitely seen a difference in my behavior in having a credit cache or not. If I don't I have many credits to spare I usually to hoard them only picking up volumes I absolutely love and can't be without. If I have a cache I'm willing to experiment and pick up stuff that seems interesting either because of the story summary or what people were posting on the forums. Because I bought the credits earlier in the year, purchasing the eBook, doesn't have that same mental cost. It's "free" to me, because I'm not pulling money out of my credit card when I click the purchase button in the future.
It also helps me pick up longer running series if I have a cache. As much as I enjoy them, I would have never picked up How a Realist Hero Rebuilt the Kingdom or Ascendance of a Bookworm as they have so many volumes and would require a lot of credits to catch up with.
I know they aren't probably going to announce anything until actual Black Friday/Cyber Monday cause that is how companies roll, but I really hope they have the sale again this year. I've been thinking of taking the plunge and starting Invaders of the Rokujouma!?, but that is way too many credits to throw at a series if I can't get them at one time.
It's pretty much the same for me. I really only want to get into a longer series if I can get a bunch or all of the volumes at once, unless I got in early. I generally do not buy into a series until it has at least three e-books published. Sometimes there simply isn't the money available to buy in at the ideal time for me, like Wortenia for instance, so it languishes until I can invest in it, and that can mean I don't get into it at all if the stars do not align.Being able to buy a lot of credits at once for a bit of a discount is very helpful for me in getting into new series. While I realize I could read the pre-pubs, I don't like reading small bits at a time, and I only want to read books on my Kobo as that is most comfortable for me. I can't exactly take off my glasses and curl up in my bed with a monitor or an 85" TV. Well I guess I could but it wouldn't be a great experience.
A bulk buy on cyber Mondays with the discount has always helped to offset the conversion rate costs.
I tend to be a lot more picky with purchases with a low level of credits.
We will see what next Monday brings.
Though of course, if GBP became a recognised currency for purchases, I might be happy to....(depending on the defined exchange rate) -
Even just enabling more than 10 per purchase helps.
@someoldguy Thankfully we’ve been able to buy up to 20 tokens per purchase for some time now. I believe it’s said 10 tokens at a time up until recently but that was just a visual glitch.