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Steam now sells Anime
Surprisingly no press release from Crunchyroll about this new partnership.
Very intriguing, I am kind of waiting to see some reviews of the quality of the releases. Also as always I am wondering if it's actually purchases and not rentals. The prices seem ridiculously low compared to the standard price tag for anime seasons even in the west.
Sadly while I do enjoy a possibility of easily purchasing anime. Even I want to purchase anime at a rate that actually supports the industry. Right now I have never seen such low prices for seasons of anime anywhere else. But, now it's taking a steam cut as well. So who knows?
I just buy a few series, and it is good quality, not Blu-ray but also not bad. (Not hat I expect a Blu-ray quality from streaming )Definitely a good price. For Shinmai 1 full season 4,08 Euro.
Apparently they just removed the bundles for me. Guess it means I will soon see them limited to North America again.
When will content creators learn? Sigh.
Weird, I buy a bundle version of all series.
How's the quality is it better than the Crunchyroll player?
I can still buy them, but the bundle purchase option was removed.
Well, it is a streaming quality, not bad, but also nothing extra good. I buy it only because I don´t want always take with me my Blu-rays when I leave for 1 week to my work.
From what people are saying, it's the exact same quality as CR.
At $1 per episode, that's really expensive. Make it 10 cents and you might actually have an alternative to CR. Then instead of being "I could buy 5 episodes here or buy a month of CR" it'd be "I could buy 5 series here or buy a month of CR" which would make more sense.
But Steam's customers can be pretty clueless about these things, probably be a good money grab. -
Well, I pay for Shinmai 34 cent per episode on steam, so it actually don´t hurt me. Bundle price was not bad.
They just added Gintama apparently, just Season 3 (Not sure which, latest?) I wonder if they will keep adding animes. Apparently the video quality is much better and less "fuzzy" than Crunchyrolls. So that's pretty neat.
I was curious and bought an episode for $0.49.... And just as I thought, it wouldn't let me stream it because of region restrictions.
But it didn't say ANYTHING about that in the store page at all, and it let me pay them for it and everything. Guess I'll have to travel to the US to actually watch it.
In any case here's a question for people though: Do you think we should try and get our ebooks on steam? They sell ebooks.
@Fezu said in Steam now sells Anime:
(Not sure which, latest?) I wonder if they will keep adding animes.
That's Gintama° which aired in 2015-2016. The only interesting title in that catalog is Kabaneri, since it's not available on crunchyroll (yet?). They just posted FAQ saying there will be more uploads.
Apparently the video quality is much better and less "fuzzy" than Crunchyrolls. So that's pretty neat.
Cruchyroll's catalog videos are kinda broken, so that's not a big achievement. And on top of w/e problems were present on masters CR got, steam streams seem to suffer from incorrect colorspace conversion.
@Sam-Pinansky I wouldn't. I think they'd eat into your profits quite a bit. From what I understand, they take a fairly large percentage. You'd have to judge, I guess, whether having it on another platform is less expensive than having traffic on this site.
@DTTA You also have to consider that it would get visibility of our novels to an audience that might not otherwise be aware of its existence. All the platforms take their cut, after all... Some more than others.
For sales on some of the international stores Amazon takes 65%!
@Sam-Pinansky Definitely a point. You're the only one who would know details. :) I'm happy as long as you folks grow and get more novels (so looking forward to the announcement you folks mentioned coming in a few days), but I'd just be careful. :)
@Sam-Pinansky Silly Sam, it's common knowledge that all anime outside of Japan is regionblocked for Japanese to stop them from purchasing blu-rays outside of Japan due to the much lower cost.
Ebooks on steam though? I guess it's some North American thing since I don't see any on my version of Steam!
@Fezu Maybe I'm just remembering some that were downloadable contents associated with specific games...
Well, whatever, probably not happening.
Any great deals on games this sale? I like visual novels, but I wouldn't mind trying something different. I saw Umineko was on sale, but I'm not sure about the price (I think it was cheaper in a previous sale).
Tomoyo After still a bit too pricey for a linear VN story for me when I have other options. I'm still in the middle of Clannad too (finished Tomoyo route though, which was great).
@Terrence All of Degica's ports of Cave Shmups are on sale.
Mushihimesama, Dodonpachi Ressurection, Death Smiles... Also Re:frain and QP Shooting are on sale.
A lot of visual novels like clannad and muv luv, too... If you haven't played through either of those it's recommended. Muv luv is an incredible ~40 hour ride over all the series.
@Sam-Pinansky I got Clannad to finish and Muv Luv sitting on the hardrive. Steins;Gate Zero and Root Letter on Playstation. Eyeing Umineko and Shuffle. I have a problem with starting games in between my novels, so I have a huge backlog. I say this as I waste time playing Rocket League for the past 3 hours. xD
At least I finished Root Double last year (that one is like 50 hours of visual novel goodness; it's about adults, firefighters no less, in the default first route, After).
I'm going to try out the PS4 controller with Rayman Origins later if that works. Then maybe I can look into more active stuff like the Shmups (not my favorite genre, though I liked the creative Shmup Blast Works; that needs a PC port with Steam Workshop support).
@Fezu From some comparisons I'm seeing, it's not the exact same, but the only different is that Steam's video is a bit more saturated in some parts, bitrate, banding, etc seems to be the exact same as CR though.
I do also know the game Trillion had some bonus novels as DLC (seven 15-20 pages PDFs) but don't think I have seen plain ebooks either.