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@amit34521 I'm actually pretty surprised by that request, and you're not the first one to suggest it. It's on the list of things I'll add in eventually. Do you not worry about wearing out the buttons or get tired pressing them after a while?
@chocolatkey not at all. It's more like a habit now. Clicking on screen feels weird now to turn the page
I often find myself turning off the volume key thing in the apps that have it. The volume keys are in a weird spot on my tablet and I hit them on accident more than I do on purpose.
I don't remember if I suggested this so in case I will suggest it now. It would be nice to see in the release section the same progress (blue, green progress bar) as you see in the individual books in the series tab.
The app's handling of expiring parts is weird, as I found out when trying to read in bed last night.
(For the record, I'm in UTC+1, but from the behaviour I've observed, I don't think that even matters).
The app seems to have its own expiry time for parts, which is based on your device's internal time. After that, it refuses to open that part, no matter if it's actually unavailable or not. However, changing your device's time also changes the expiry time, which means setting your clock back one hour lets you read a part that "expired" 15 minutes ago.
For novels the expiry time generally seems to be 9am (I checked maybe half of the volumes expiring in November). But for manga, it's all over the place.
I checked all the manga that are supposed to expire on November 15 according to this list, and here's what I found:
- The Engagement of Marielle Clarac Vol 1: not expired yet, even if I timetravel to tomorrow
- Magic In This Other World Vol 6: "expired 6 hours ago", so 7am I guess
- Marginal Operation Vol 5: expired 7 Oct 2020
- Realist Hero Vol 5: expired 5 Aug 2020 (wanted to read this, but if set my clock back that far, my session isn't valid)
- Unwanted Undead Vol 4: expired at midnight - this is the one that made me start hunting bugs instead of sleeping (or reading)
Oh and Bibliophile Princess 1 seems to think it's Marielle Clarac, because it "expired" at midnight, despite being listed for December.
I think the app, despite being beta, is currently the best way to read J-Novel Manga, so this behaviour is extra annoying.
Anyone else get this on Android?
Had this on my Huawei Mediapad M3 (8") with Android 7.0 .
Old app is working fine-
Everything worked last week. -
@Qeeh Your session has expired, you just need to log out and log in again.
@Nosgoroth i already did and also cleared cache reboot and uninstalled and reinstalled the app.
@Qeeh In that case I'll shut up and let the actual staff handle it. (Works fine on my end though)
@Nosgoroth Okay I'm just to dumb when I switched to account I also got an "can't retrieve user data from server". BUT there was a logout button at the top which only appears on the account tab.
Thou I wasn't logged in (at least i think I shouldn't be if I cleare cache / data AND uninstall the app). After clicking the logout icon in the top right I could login again now it's working.
Would be nice if the app redirects to the account tab and shows a please login again message and force logout on this error.
Whats misleading is the 410 error which is problably the right return because the page doesn't exist if, it is generated only if you are logged in but for a user displaying a 403 would be more intuitive (only if they have http knowledge :D)
@Qeeh Yeah, don't worry, it's a known bug and the dev is working on a fix. If the app left beta like this they'd be inviting tons of people with the same question as you every month(?) once the token expires.
@Nosgoroth don't tell me ;) . I wrote many apps in native android, xamarin and cordova. Early access is hell but the best way to catch as many bugs as possible.
@Qeeh Sorry about that, I intended to have the 410 error fixed in the current build, but didn't have the time to test that it actually worked. It will be fixed next build. Session duration also extended to 6 weeks. Due to how the backend works, it is currently not possible to have safe infinite-length sessions, so they still have to expire eventually
@jdmmis Will definitely be done in a future build
@Jiejie The way part expiration currently works is that there is a soft date when it's supposed to expire, set by a human months in advance and sometimes not 100% accurate. Then there's a hard "expired" switch which has to be manually toggled to actually make the part no longer available. The app soft blocks you based on the expiration date, and you can still read the part if the expiration toggle has not been activated, and this is not an exploit or hack. I intend to get rid of all the soft date logic on JNC in the future, but it will take a while.
@chocolatkey I'm not sure if you misunderstood me or if we're just wording things differently, so just to make sure we're on the same page here: I literally cannot read those parts in the app (unless the expiry date is close enough for the time change trick to work).
In any case, I hope this gets fixed before I fall behind on a bunch of manga again because reading in a browser on my pc got to annoying ;-)Quick question on a different topic: is the paragraph indentation supposed to be working now? I saw a screenshot with proper paragraphs on the previous page, but it doesn't work for me, so I'm confused.
There's a very small thing sort of bothering me so I'll just state it here even though it's fine if you ignore it.
I quite like how the "following" star works in the releases tab. It's immediate to toggle, and it keeps the on/off state even if you close and reopen the app.
But then in the series tab there is a filters drop-down list which feels less immediate and is not saved. Since it just has following and catchup as options, there should be enough space to use icons like in the releases tab. -
@Qeeh count me as a dumb one too cause I was stuck as well till I read your post :)
@mirkosp the state of those checkboxes will be saved in the next build
Just a suggestion, but I think it would be nice to have a way to get to a specific series' "Series" listing via the "Releases" page, such as by tapping on the volume cover (while the main text takes you to the most recent release as usual).
On several occasions I've wanted to get to the Series listing to read the volume summary again or whatever, but tragically, I am very lazy. When the series is recent it's not a hassle, but scrolling through "Releases" or scrolling through/using the search bar in "Series" feels like extra steps when the latest part is right there on the main screen.
Alternatively, or possibly in addition, a way to get there from within the chapter itself might also be handy.
@MasterLillyclaw Currently, if you long press on an item in the releases page, you can jump to the volume it belongs to. We are thinking of changing that to enable jumping to the related series too. We'll look into getting to the series/volume from the reader.