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(New) App Feedback
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@chocolatkey said in (New) Beta App Feedback:
@Jiejie The missing series should now be there, if you see any other series (besides ones you want JNC to license) missing please let me know
All the novels I found missing have showed up in the list now, plus a few manga I didn't pay attention to when I first looked. Thanks!
(something something Twelve Kingdoms)@sinnoaria said in (New) Beta App Feedback:
- 'Favorites or Hide list' or other manners of filter
- Examples of possible filters include: read/unread chapters, catch up, near expiration, completed series, one shot, tags.
I strongly support this suggestion! (says someone who starts desperately binging volumes around the 10th of each month)
- 'Favorites or Hide list' or other manners of filter
Note to people reporting via testflight: It seems there's now way to acknowledge or reply to your feedback, so I'll just say that I am looking through it.
Note 8
Broken format and it seems the font is correctly synced between scroll mode and swipe mode (such as 120% and 70% repspectively for font size to actually see character at same scale). Additionally, justified mode is sometimes broken.
First image is for scroll mode, 2nd is for swipe mode, both should be in the same font and justified mode.
The button that says next part when reading manga doesn't seem to work. The next part button at the bottom works fine though.
Of note, the chapter it says I'm at the end of is glitchy. It seems to correspond to the chapter I initially select from the list after selecting a volume instead of the actual chapter. So if I started reading from chapter 1, it always says end of chapter 1. If I started from chapter 3, it says end of chapter 3, even if I went back to chapter 1.
@Romariel That's listed in the known issues:
- Reader lastpage next button doesn't do anything yet
LDM v13p6 seems to be missing in the releases for me (myskaros helped confirm its not a global issue as he still sees it. I have tried restarting the app as well as refreshing (through the pull to refresh). Am on Android. The part does show in the series listing for LDM.
Edit: looking more closely now a few more are also missing, like Holmes and Kokoro Connect
@myskaros Coulda sworn I didn't see it in there :/ I checked it in the app and the first page before posting and still missed it FML.
It still gives the wrong chapter number though.
@Cibastian thanks for noticing that bug, it was a similar issue as the series page. It's been fixed
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On a lenovo android 7.1.1 tablet I find that the sizing is inconsistent between paginated and scrolling. For paginated 100% is OK but when switching to scrolling I need to shrink it to 60%. Italicised lettering does not appear to scale with non-italicised so they only match at 100%.
Using the Samsung Fold 2
When viewing images, they are not in the center, they tend to align to the left side leaves a big black space on the right. Hopefully it can be aligned to be in the center.
Some text font are bigger than other font for some reason.
Not sure if this has been brought up...but the thumbnails on android are partially cut off, on both top and bottom.
Here is a comparison between old app and new.
Don't think it's just my device, if you look a couple posts up at @Cibastian images, they are also cut off.
I suppose this could be by design, to fit more without scrolling, but I think I'd prefer a full thumbnail with less series showing.
A new beta release (0.2.0) has been sent to Apple and Google for approval.
- LN reader missing proper text styling (centered text etc.) - NOTE this applies to vertical reader, horizontal reader will be improved next build
- Paragraphs are not indented
- Italic/bold text does not scale properly
- Can't toggle interface/change page when pressing on image in novel reader
- Tile views can now have more items per row on wider screens
- Novel font selection doesn't work
- Reading direction not saved
- Filtering series by follows/catchups
- Tapping up/down in vertical scrolls a bit less ( @Nosgoroth )
- Various bugs
Next build, points so far for fixing:
- Fix horizontal novel reading
- Deal with expiring sessions
- Fully implement last page in reader
- Reader settings dialog fixes
- Progress sync issues when switching between parts
- more...
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- On iOS 14 I still have to set the font to like 350% on vertical in order for it to be readable.
- On the series page, I wish clicking only manga would be available without using the search button. Putting it in the filter would be better in my opinion.
- On that note, clicking "Only follows" makes the list infinitely scrolling. I can scroll down forever and it will never reach the bottom.
- Would be nice if the latest volumes would be at the top in a series page. Scrolling down 20 volumes every time I go to Smartphone is not ideal.
- Theme selection is still messed up on iPhone 8 iOS 14.
- Double manga spreads (or just every other page) should be stitched together when turning to landscape orientation. If you have access to the Shonen Jump app, that would be my preferred way to do it.
- On that note, personally I would prefer if all touch-to-turn-page would be turned off on manga, and only have swipe as the way to turn pages. That's how it is on the Shonen Jump app and in my opinion it helps make pinch-to-zoom less glitchy (and it is super glitchy here).
- Horizontal novel reading is almost unusable as you know so I don't even touch it. The font size seems to scale very differently from vertical.
- Lastly, I once again hope TTS will be considered in the future, as the current official app handles it almost perfectly (on iOS).
@sinnoaria Thanks for your feedback
On trying to view Following (filter): Exception: Failed loading series: DioError [DioErrorType.RESPONSE]: Http status error [500]
Will be fixed soon, won't require an app update
Images are cut off [...]
A screenshot of this noticeable effect would be appreciated. The covers on releases are still being cropped a bit on bottom/top, which is intentional since image ratio may vary, but any other cut off parts are an issue
Page length issue still exists
Text size difference
Seeing some pretty extreme lag in horizontal modeIt seems that was/is an issue on the horizontal novel reader, in which case I am going to be fixing the horizontal reader next build. I'll be checking on these issues, a list of devices would be appreciated
Seems a bit odd that the novel/manga and following/catchup filters are separate from each other
Design isn't final, will be improving it later on when important issues have been fixed
Menu should be overlay etc.
Yep, is planned
Status bar not disappearing
Screenshot appreciated, status bar should disappear. Am considering having navigation bar (at least on Android) disappear too when UI is hidden, since people have requested it.
Tap margins seem excessively large
Agreed, thinking of reducing the top/bottom/left/right fractions' defaults and adding a setting to change them with visual hint
@LegitPancake Thanks as well for the feedback
On iOS 14 I still have to set the font to like 350% on vertical in order for it to be readable
I'm going to be looking into different defaults based on the device size in the future. Default size looks like this in the simulator for an iPad
On that note, clicking "Only follows" makes the list infinitely scrolling
Probably a server-side bug, I'll look into it
Theme selection is still messed up on iPhone 8 iOS 14.
Still looking into this, a staff member with the same phone/software does not have this problem.
Double manga spreads (or just every other page) should be stitched together when turning to landscape orientation. If you have access to the Shonen Jump app, that would be my preferred way to do it.
Spread mode in landscape is planned for both novels and manga. Just not super high priority
Pinch-to-zoom is glitchy
Yes it is. Will be improved
Horizontal novel reading is almost unusable as you know so I don't even touch it.
Will be working on the horizontal reader for the next build
Lastly, I once again hope TTS will be considered in the future
It might be considered in a future build.
Voided Out as it was against the rules.
I will wait for there to be some method of posting images via the android app or other forms of reporting within the app.
@LegitPancake said in (New) Beta App Feedback:
Lastly, I once again hope TTS will be considered in the future, as the current official app handles it almost perfectly (on iOS).
My one and only request! Please don’t take away my favorite way to read the prepubs!
I just wanted to ask for a few things in the new app.
- option to disable animated transitions in paginated view. Some people have motion sickness. In my case I just hate all of the animations. Please, allow to instantly switch pages like in old app.
- bring Spectral font from old app. If possible use system fonts on iOS to bring Iowan font.
- allow to set top, bottom, left/right margins. It has always been a bit uncomfortable to use old app because it just shows you a wall of text.
- optional info bar header/footer. Old app had % footer, but it can be larger.
- there are a lot of punch hole devices. In case of Samsung ones the OS takes away that space at the top of the screen and renders it completely black. It doesn’t follow app background settings. This is visually annoying and the only way to compensate for that is to set black background in the app. If it is possible take control of that top strip to change its color and put header there.
- since the top part of the screen is taken away I'd like to compensate for it and add a huge bottom margin for symmetry.
- some of the devices have rounded screen corners. Currently bottom lines of text are affected by that rounding because text goes to the very bottom of the screen.