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Books/Preorders missing from Amazon
Just a note that you can just use Sigil and move the color images back to the front of the volume.
Takes a few seconds I think since the color images are in their own individual pages.
edit: Ya, I just tested this. Works fine. Whole process takes less than 30 seconds. Literally drag and drop.
I am glad JNC was able to work around the issue and get their books back on Amazon. I hope that the books stay listed. I found out about JNC by stumbling onto their books on Amazon and got hooked. While I get my JNC books directly now, I can imagine that Amazon is valuable for the discoverability and obviously all of the sales. However, I will be getting my non-JNC e-books from another store from now on.
@myskaros said in Books/Preorders missing from Amazon:
@Jon-Mitchell said in Books/Preorders missing from Amazon:
Amazon created a marketplace, they take a commission and regulate their marketplace. And those being penalized deserve to at least to know why
This is why monopolies are bad, mmk.
To be pedantic: monopsony, not monopoly.
Monopoly is where one company dominates where you can buy things; this lets them do things like jack up prices, because there’s no other place for consumers to buy things.
Monopsony is the inverse; one company dominates where you can sell things. So where monopoly is focused on consumers, monopsony is focused on producers. For example, in comics, there’s not really a monopoly, because there’s lots of comic shops. But there was a monopsony, because Diamond Comics controlled the majority of distribution for the big comic book publishers. Where monopolies jack customers around, monopsonies screw producers; as the only place to sell something, they can dictate terms to producers.
Amazon is both. They’re a monopoly, as they dominate the ebook selling market. And they’re a monopsony, as publishers like J-Novel have to work with them or lose a huge amount of their market.
I wish at least premium books would be in Japanese order (images first), since they would be reformatted for bonuses anyway... -
Now that you mention it, that is indeed true. -
@Kyon7 You can just move them back to the front in less than 30 seconds using Sigil.
I hate spoilers, so I'm happy about images moving to the back in premium editions too.
I literally went through Bookwalker's JP previews for Mapping to spoil myself just a few days ago, so I'm definitely on the other side here.
Still, I can just deal with it.
So learned something new that the german Amazon was more trigger happy. OK with all this press about this child porn ring which got uprooted just recently here some are a lil....prickly. Wonder if it would also work to move the images. Just a question about something I am now curious. If it gets resubmitted in KDP... will it get pushed into every country? Or could it be that the german Amazon still won't add it?
Oh and don't get me wrong (and really this should be moved to another thread as here is solely for removed volumes) I don't get why so many are butthurt by moving images. If it would go my way I would even change the position to have them were they belong textwise. And for premium books. The textless images were always put at the end. And I see no one complaining about this.
IIRC the reason the color illustrations were in the front was so that the ePub mirrored the physical copy layout, and the physical had the color illustrations in the front was initially an artifact of the binding process. The color illustrations came off a different press and had to be inserted prior to final binding. It was too labor intensive/expensive (at the time) to place the illustrations one by one where they belonged in the story, so they were all shoved in the front. Publishers also viewed this as marketing as browsers at bookstores would see the flashy covers and flip a few pages to see the illustrations and be persuaded to maybe buy the book . NOW with electronic publishing, why aren't the illustrations just peppered throughout the volume (avoiding spoilers)? Because the placement of the color illustrations all together became traditional/expected by buyers (In my opinion) Personally I'd much prefer if the color illustrations were dispersed the way other illustrations are (within the stories), but I understand why JNC doesn't do this (so that the English editions more closely mirror the Japanese originals?)
@Jon-Mitchell said in Books/Preorders missing from Amazon:
Personally I'd much prefer if the color illustrations were dispersed the way other illustrations are (within the stories), but I understand why JNC doesn't do this (so that the English editions more closely mirror the Japanese originals?)
I think you aren't alone. I usually skip the color pages, then go back to them once I feel like I've probably gotten passed the spoiler territory.
I had a copy of Haruhi Suzumiya I borrowed from the library that I swear stuck the color pages in the back.
I do appreciate that the color illustrations are in the front for series published in Japan only though so I can get some idea of what the content is without knowing Japanese / resorting to MTL.
@Terrence said in Books/Preorders missing from Amazon:
I had a copy of Haruhi Suzumiya I borrowed from the library that I swear stuck the color pages in the back.
At least the hard-cover editions have them in the back. Didn't buy the paperbacks, so I cannot know.
@SomeOldGuy said in Books/Preorders missing from Amazon:
@Terrence said in Books/Preorders missing from Amazon:
I had a copy of Haruhi Suzumiya I borrowed from the library that I swear stuck the color pages in the back.
At least the hard-cover editions have them in the back. Didn't buy the paperbacks, so I cannot know.
Just checked my paperbacks, and they also have the illustrations in the back. The first three also have a single color page in the front which is just a silhouette of Haruhi on a striped background, and Surprise, which was two volumes in Japan, has the first part's illustrations in the middle.
I'm also curious if this change will affect print editions. (Yes, I'm old-fashioned and like paper, what am I even doing here...)
@SomeOldGuy said in Books/Preorders missing from Amazon:
@Terrence said in Books/Preorders missing from Amazon:
I had a copy of Haruhi Suzumiya I borrowed from the library that I swear stuck the color pages in the back.
At least the hard-cover editions have them in the back. Didn't buy the paperbacks, so I cannot know.
I can check when I am finished with my work. Ahve some of them as HC, then Paperback and one library version.
Just because I haven't seen the question asked/answered in any of the posts I have skimmed through:
Will there be any recourse for those of us that have purchased the books on the now banned Amazon entries, since we cannot receive any updates, etc?
E-books purchased through the Kindle store are, unfortunately, not refundable and it would suck to have to buy another copy from a different source just to get any updates. (Especially considering the number of volumes affected.)
@AerosAtar-2z6y0sp said in Books/Preorders missing from Amazon:
Will there be any recourse for those of us that have purchased the books on the now banned Amazon entries, since we cannot receive any updates, etc?
You will have to take that up with Amazon. The listings have been completely banned on our publisher page, so we aren't allowed to update them period.
@AerosAtar said in Books/Preorders missing from Amazon:
Just because I haven't seen the question asked/answered in any of the posts I have skimmed through:
Will there be any recourse for those of us that have purchased the books on the now banned Amazon entries, since we cannot receive any updates, etc?
E-books purchased through the Kindle store are, unfortunately, not refundable and it would suck to have to buy another copy from a different source just to get any updates. (Especially considering the number of volumes affected.)
I understand it's annoying, but not getting one or two typos fixed for an existing purchase is not the end of the world.
It's pretty rare for JNC titles to ship with a serious issue, and when they do they are generally fixed quickly.
The only update you'll be missing in most cases is having the images moved to the back of the book.
Seems like Amazon Australia have taken down Arifureta Zero. It's only showing the manga kindle editions now. The physicals for Arifureta Zero are still available on Amazon Australia. Amazon US still lists the kindle editions.
Amazon Australia:
Amazon US:
@Swiftnissity We talked about it on Discord but it seems Arifureta Zero v1 kindle version is gone too, in the US.
I really don't get the point of just banning the kindle version. They are still selling the exact same content just not digitally.