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By the Grace of the Gods anime adaptation discussion!
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I read this last month and after first volume , i thought "why this series isnt animated yet". There are many isekai series which gets 2nd , 3rd season confirmations and i can say easly , this series will be air sometime. Unless Isekai anime genre crash.
The only problem with that series "in anime area" , the MC doesnt have an aim. No demon lords , no mission from gods or something. That kind a series usually wont see 2nd season.
There is Overlord which could get(there are some rumors) 4th season but that Ainz gave a porpuse to himself. "Reincarnetided as a slime" also gets 2nd season but those are exeptions.
I’m enjoying the read. Given the choice I’d probably say there are several titles that I’d rather see as anime (Soap, Tearmoon, another season of Grimgar, heck even Potion Loli) but there are plenty of successful anime for which I am not in the target demographic. This anime might be aimed at 10 year olds for all I know
Woohoo! Sure, there are others I'd rather see (and Invaders ended way too soon), but I'll give it a chance.
@hopebestman Overlord has not been officially confirmed to be getting a 4th season, only rumors.
@legitpancake *sigh , you know i was really happy today. I got a nice food , watched my one of favorite anime and i decided to read some stuff. Your news is not appreciate it.
PS: I checked , its really not confirmed :(
Since ANime was announced,Print Version is up for pre-order releasing November 3rd!
It's getting an anime, it's a Funimation co-production coming fall 2020 -
Not gonna lie, this promo image looks awesome
Seeing a mass of slime practicing weapons drill will be hilarious.
@CaramelWithoutTheSalt If you haven't read it and won't, how can you really say that it doesn't deserve an anime adaptation more than whatever titles you are thinking of?
Though, issues with your logic notwithstanding, I do actually agree... I can think of 4 or 5 without even trying.
That said, the books somehow managed to not irritate me even given how stupid OP the protag is and the relatively cookie cutter introduction and have gotten better as they go along. I think it's largely because it's a calm story mostly and has light pacing. Without going into specifics, the most OP things he's done so far are all related to stuff like cleaning. Just gives it a rather wholesome feel.
And the anime looks more than a little cute, especially the slimes. So I'm in to check it out.
@EmpactWB I'd love to see a second season of Invaders, The Devil is a Part-Timer or even Grimgar, though I think it went off the rails the last couple of volumes.
Personally, I think this could be pretty good.
Funimation dropped a trailer this morning (10 Jul) with an estimated air date of October 2020. It looks good. Bonus: JNC got mentioned right beside HJ. Sweet!
@Paul-Nebeling keep dreaming buddy, keep dreaming. I would love to see second season of Part timer's but hey at least we have another season of SAO :D exactly the same quality anime :D
I actually mentioned this some time ago on the on discussion board.
@lighthawk96 said in By the Grace of the Gods Vol. 3 Discussion!:
Just saw that the anime for this one is scheduled for a Fall 2020 release. This really gives me something to look forward to aside from the weekly novel releases!
But no biggie. The more exposure the better!
@Paul-Nebeling I saw the trailer on youtube, and I don't see any mention of J-Novel Club, only Hobby Japan.
And did anyone else see episode 1 during the Funimation streaming convention? I did. It's by the same studio that did "For My Daughter," and it kinda shows with the stiff and lackluster animation. I think it was alright for what it did though. thought it was fun and looking forward to more in the fall :)
@LegitPancake said in By the Grace of the Gods will be getting a anime adaptation!:
And did anyone else see episode 1 during the Funimation streaming convention? I did. It's by the same studio that did "For My Daughter," and it kinda shows with the stiff and lackluster animation. I think it was alright for what it did though. thought it was fun and looking forward to more in the fall :)
Pretty much my thoughts exactly. Wasn't expecting much from something that was never likely to have much of a budget, but it was fine for what it was. The slimes were cute, too.
First episode is finally out on Funimation! >w< It's cute and adorable and I need more.
While I did see the first episode during Funimation's convention, the episode was incomplete. The opening has stuff in it that a lot may see as spoilers, so just listen to the song and ignore the visuals of the opening. The ending was super cute and I really like the song.
I need the second episode!!!!
Just saw the first episode. Not bad in my opinion.