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Delays in Continuing Series (Fall 2019)(All Fall 2019 Delayed Series have Resumed)
I do remember Sam saying on discord that Siskan was a 5 year contract or sth. So he's still got a little under 2 years left to get that final volume out.
@jon-mitchell said in Delays in Continuing Series:
(or chose to discontinue translating a series if not popular/low sales)
Sam's own words: "We will never drop a series aside from issues on the Japanese side or the dissolution of the business." -
I seem to remember the same sentiment: Sam committed to translate as long as he's allowed to.
so if Siskan is 'abandoned' its because of the something outside of JNC's control (I assume) and I'd like for there to be something official (on JNC's site, not in discord/curiouscat/twitter)
at this point (on my part at least) it's all speculation - we don't know if Siskan is cancelled, delayed, or merely just a time lag longer than usual between volumes?
I don't expect Sam/JNC to share whatever dirty laundry / details of the sausage making process etc, there may be. Things in negotiation, business reasons for delays, etc are topics that are not necessarily for public eyes. I do expect that when a series/project is ended/cancelled (i.e. New Life+) that we get told about it (as we were w/ New Life+)
I think that the frustration that some are expressing is about lack if info/ definitive timelines
(heck, folks complained when latest Bookworm installments was delayed by a day or 2)Personally - I'm anxiously awaiting the super deluxe Bakarina LN/Manga hybrid volume that's next - I don't know when it's coming- just that we've been assured that it's in the works
I've not been following Siskan - but those who do, I imagine would like the same assurances
Honestly even after read the comments in this topic I am still not sure how this turned into a Siskan delay thread...either way this is still technically a delay thread so I guess carry on...?
@rahul-balaggan Because we all want to read the last volume of SisKan, of course. ;-)
This post is deleted! -
Any news about the master of ragnarok and realist hero?
@matt84 According to a Twitter's reply from a few hours ago the new editor for Realist Hero is getting up to speed:
I imagine it's the same for the other series that haven't yet restarted too.
@terabyte I wonder what speed they need to reach. A wyvern's flying speed? Mach? Naden's flying speed?
@terabyte thanks for the update
so now we just need to wait on Bakarina news?? everything else we at least have status updates on, yeah?
@jon-mitchell Nothing to update, really, it's still being worked on, and the question of "how do we present a book that's part manga which reads right-to-left and part text which reads left-to-right" has not been solved yet. Not to mention that the manga portions also need to be typeset, reviewed, and possibly re-typeset, unlike every other light novel, so that adds additional time that's hard to predict.
Suffice to say it's being worked through, but we have no ETA.
@myskaros For reference, both Reincarnated as a Sword (4) and The Alchemist Who Survived (1) have some RTL manga in them, in case you want to have a look at what SS and YP did.
@nosgoroth Quite a few volumes of Konosuba have some too.
YP have an intro page telling you to skip to the last page of the manga segment and read it rtl before continuing on.
@sniper_samurai Yes, but that doesn't QUITE work out in an epub, unless you set a bookmark for the start/end of the RtL section. Although, maybe you could do it as an internal link to the manga section. That is, pop out to a RtL section, pop back in to the LtR main text.
or just a note at the end of a pre-pub installment
"for the NEXT PART (part 3) see manga section: "Bakarina LN-manga hybrid, volume 2 part 3""
or a link in the web content?and break up installments accordingly
of course I'm uninformed as to the specifics - if the manga pages are intertwined with the narrative- yea, big mess
i dont won't to be annoying here , but umm .. any news on volume 11 of the master of ragnarok? sorry for bothering
@kuro-kun The first post has been updated (not sure when) with this:
- Welcome to Japan, Ms. Elf! - prepublication of volume 3 began on November 29, 2019
- I Shall Survive Using Potions! - prepublication of volume 4 began on December 13, 2019
- There are no updates for any other series at this time.
@terabyte it was updated 2 days ago
Oh... I was wondering why there haven't been any updates coming for Infinite Dendrogram Volume 11 and Realist Hero. Good to know that at least Realist Hero will be coming back soon. Sad about the no ETA for it and especially for Infinite Dendrogram though...
Sort of hoping Dendrogram will come back soonish especially with the anime set to start shortly.