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Ascendance of a Bookworm - General Discussion
I think Myne loves the experience of reading books. That includes gaining knowledge (in any format), but even more so it includes the pleasure of the process of reading text, as well as the sensory aspects of the feel of a book in her hands and the smell of paper and ink. In the case of books with a narrative component (fiction, history, etc.), there is also the pleasure of being absorbed in the story. I would imagine that all of these are mixed together in her mind.As for how she became this way, who can say? Who knows why people become passionate about the things they do? Since Urano’s father died when she was very young, and the book room in her mother’s house originated with him, perhaps her love of books started due to her father. A way to remain connected to him after he was gone, or something? Adult Urano didn’t seem especially emotional about her father, but child Urano probably felt differently at the time. But that is just guesswork.
@rahul-balaggan said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - General Discussion:
This thread is now tagged with “Bookworm”.
Could we also get:
Anime Discussion
Manga Volume 1
Manga Volume 2
Manga Volume 3
Manga Volume 4
Tagged with "Bookworm" if we're not reserving that exclusively for catch-up and LN discussions? -
@lurkingmclurk said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - General Discussion:
if we're not reserving that exclusively for catch-up and LN discussions?
Not at all!
'Tis done!
Today is Kazuki-sensei's birthday! :) -
Everyone say high to Kazuki-sensei since apparently she’s looking through the forums :D readers living in the United States. It seems that the English version is exciting. *** As for J-Novel, the number of people who want to read only "book lovers" and become a member is increasing every day. Discussion topics are set up on the member bulletin board for each volume, but in 2-2, the number of posts exceeded 1,000 at a stretch.
@legitpancake said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - General Discussion:
Everyone say high to Kazuki-sensei since apparently she’s looking through the forums :D readers living in the United States. It seems that the English version is exciting. *** As for J-Novel, the number of people who want to read only "book lovers" and become a member is increasing every day. Discussion topics are set up on the member bulletin board for each volume, but in 2-2, the number of posts exceeded 1,000 at a stretch.
Waves to Kazuki-sensei - "love your story"
@legitpancake has anyone told her that if the thread for P2V3 keeps up at the current rate, it will exceed 2000?
And it hasn't even reach halfway through the volume yet. -
Hello Kazuki Sensei, I love Bookworm and I hope to keep reading it for years to come.
@legitpancake said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - General Discussion:
Everyone say high to Kazuki-sensei since apparently she’s looking through the forums :D readers living in the United States
. It seems that the English version is exciting. *** As for J-Novel, the number of people who want to read only "book lovers" and become a member is increasing every day. Discussion topics are set up on the member bulletin board for each volume, but in 2-2, the number of posts exceeded 1,000 at a stretch.Sorry to disappoint you, but it is kind of misunderstanding you'll get from MTL result. This should be supplemented as "
I heard
froma reader
living in the United States." So, she herself is not watching here, but I'm the one who commented on her status report posting with that information and she kindly tweeted it out. -
Actually, that tweet was a top of a thread. Here is the whole contents:
英語版も楽しんでいただけているようで嬉しいです。My translation:
I receive the following from a reader living in US.
He says that excitement is growing over the English edition.** QUOTE ***
At J-novel (I have written to her before describing how J-novel system works, with prepubs, forums and memberships, which is very different from traditional translation shop), I see more people joining the forum claiming they came here to just read "Bookworm". J-novel creates discussion topic on the forum for each volume, and the topic for 2-2 blasted past 1000 comments recently.
The previous records has been like 594 comments from a couple years ago, so its popularity is "out-of-ordinary" (here, I used specific expression author uses in the book where Ferdinand uses to describe out of ordinary amount of mana Myne has). I would expect excitement will grow exponentially through the latter part of Part 2 then onto Part 3, it is inevitable that all the top topics will be dominated by the discussion topics for the Bookworm.
*** END QUOTE ***
... so he said.
It remind me of time that whenever I uploaded to "Syosetu", avalanche of comments flowed in and it was very hard for me to just glance through all of them. Makes me feel nostalgic (smile).
I'm glad that people are enjoying the English edition too. -
Thank you for translating!
@jcochran It doesn’t help when many people post multiple single-sentence replies each hour. I wish some users would just combine all their replies each topic into a single comment instead of blasting many short entries within a short period of time like this were a group-text.
@hiroto nice. And I suspect that the case with Bookworm is understating things. Right now, the count in P2V3 is 385, assuming it reaches 400 before Monday, it's well on track to blast past 2000. And if P2V2 broke the previous record ....
I thought it was cute that somebody responded to that tweet saying (in Japanese) - "I bought the English edition to study English."
I guess it makes sense that she can't see the forum, she wouldn't even be able to access it unless she became a subscriber to JNC herself.
Hi , there. I have a question from Volume 3. In Mark's short story , there is a sentence Benno says
"I’m thinking about starting by going to the city my siblings live in and making a plant paper workshop there too, so I can start the spread of plant paper. Mark. What are you going to do?”
Does that mean , Benno has siblings other than Corrina or he wanted to says kin or relative? Because he mentioned his uncle when he could find sugar for Benno.
Also , i have another question about time/clock. Do we know anything about "xth bell rang" mean? I mean there are examples like
"The gates would open once second bell rang. Farmers who woke up at first bell to come sell their crops, along with merchants who had to spend the night in the villages after the gates closed, would start pouring into the city."
So second bell should be around 5 am or something but do we know are they using 24 or 30 hours a day or totally diffrent system?(just curious about small things)
@hopebestman Yes, Benno has more siblings. The short story from the Guildmaster's perspective in the same volume confirms this: "...not only was Benno there, but several of his younger siblings were there too."
Also, from the first volume: "In this city, time was told by the temple's bells ringing every two, three-ish hours." So it doesn't seem like they have touched on anything more specific, but we do know that farmers get up at first bell (which would then logically be around sunrise), while the gates open as second bell (as you noted) and close at sixth bell shortly before sunset in the summer (Lutz's story in the first volume). So assuming a similar day length to Earth (almost 15 hours of daylight at the height of summer), that's roughly every three hours during the day. If they keep to first bell at sunrise and sixth at sunset, then during the winter it would be just a bit under two hours apart. It's probably relative to the length of the day.
@hopebestman said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - General Discussion:
Hi , there. I have a question from Volume 3. In Mark's short story , there is a sentence Benno says
"I’m thinking about starting by going to the city my siblings live in and making a plant paper workshop there too, so I can start the spread of plant paper. Mark. What are you going to do?”
Does that mean , Benno has siblings other than Corrina or he wanted to says kin or relative? Because he mentioned his uncle when he could find sugar for Benno.
Benno has mentioned (but not named) another sister, older than Corrina, that the Guildmaster tried to get to marry his son. That sister fled to another town to avoid that marriage. It sounds like Benno has other siblings as well, but I don't recall if he has given any specific information about them.