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Ascendance of a Bookworm - anime discussion
I hope the directing would improve on the next critical parts of the show, if it ever gets another season. Many critical elements from the LN didn’t translate well to the animation at this crucial turning point in the story such as the severity of the situation like Damuel injured to the point of unconsciousness and the corpses being vaporized into dust from the duel between Bindewald and Ferdinand. Heck, even the banter between Myne and Ferdinand about erasing evidence is also crucial to both their character development.
Well, that was OK, I suppose. They managed to avoid the mawkish tearjerker that it could have been, and as has already been mentioned, the scene with Myne's past burning up in the flames of the contract was inspired. But there were too many important bits of dialog left out. I guess the problem is that a lot of us here probably know the story better than the anime production staff!
is as much as I could have hoped for. -
@talisein said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - anime discussion:
Showing the memories in the burning contract was an excellent use of the animated medium to enhance the story! Conversely, the still images saying goodbye were a disappointment. The PV they put out before was great so the staff certainly has it in them to do well, I should just watch it again now.
Well, with a to be continued I guess we'll see what they can do with the Night of Schutzaria? But I don't know how they're going to manage it. Rozemyne starts juggling so much between Wilfried, Hasse, and printing. They're going to have to keep rushing or drop some plot threads... or, hm, maybe from here they could do movies? I'm just doubtful the 20 minute episodic format is a good match for the content...
Part 3 could be two seasons with a couple of connector half episodes between ‘em.
Does anyone have a source to this claim?
Also, apparently the director on twitter said that they had to fight tooth and nail to even get 10 episodes, the production committee wanted 8, so that explains the cuts and omissions and also the wonky animation when Tuuli was crying today.
I don’t really use Twitter but I did try finding a source.
@SleepyTexan I don't know, but I find it completely believable. Then again, perhaps I just don't have the best view of production committees.
@SleepyTexan Seems the director deleted the tweet. But I've got it available through a discord embed.
Google translate:
◇ A little good story about book lovers ◇ I went to ask TO Books with Kawasaki to make the third term. After it was decided, Mr. Kunizawa and I asked Mr. Kunizawa and I to make all 10 episodes that the production side insisted on all 8 episodes (after that, Mr. Kawasaki left 💦) It was a very difficult job for the first time in my life. Please take a look Chapter 36! ️ Burned out (laughs)
◇A book lover's little good story◇ I wanted to make the third season, so I went to TO Books to ask Mr. Kawasaki for help. After the decision was made, the production team insisted on a total of 8 episodes, but Kunisawa-san and I got them to make it a total of 10 (Mr. Kawasaki left after that💦) It was a super hard job for the umpteenth time in my life. Please watch the film, Chapter 36, and I️ burned out!
@IronDestinyBlaze ...yeah, I can see why he would've deleted that. Probably annoyed the production committee.
10 episodes is already on the low end; 8 episodes is near to dropping out of broadcast to just be an OVA. They committee probably led with 8 so the negotiation would end at 10.
Still, life is rough for the producer. I believe he respects the work; the budget constraints are just so tight..
How long after season 2 ended it it take before season 3 got announced?
At least the subtitles didn't butcher her noble name. Also I liked how Benno might not even cared how it might be spelled either.I honestly wanted to see some zapping happening or at least more on Arno exiting stage left but alas, no. If there ever is a continuation, I hope more of a budget is awarded since so many scenes here needed more time.
@arghc said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - anime discussion:
How long after season 2 ended it it take before season 3 got announced?
I think it was 2 years? I am not sure. As for season 4 it will take at least 2 years if it gets made at all. That is why they wrapped this season while skipping some things that would hint what would happen in next season (e.g. examination before they move to noble quarter) in order to have soem kind fo ending.
I like how it ended with her going to noble quarter while part one ended while she was going into temple. Shows her progress of her ascension into higher hiearchies.
I want Season 4. We need to see Wilfried's "Prince and the Pauper" moment.
While I would love a Season 4, it's a good breaking point, and they did it such that it's a good ending if they never get the green light for further work.
@Sekki said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - anime discussion:
@arghc said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - anime discussion:
How long after season 2 ended it it take before season 3 got announced?
I think it was 2 years? I am not sure. As for season 4 it will take at least 2 years if it gets made at all.
The light novel is (appears to be?) a juggernaut in that realm (or at least among the JNC titles?). Why such diffidence with the anime? Make one season, then the next, then the next. Why wait 2 years between each?
Of course I’m still waiting for season 2 (movie?) Yuri on Ice when I know that a brilliant Canadian figure skater did mocap for it years ago. Double checking with Wikipedia it finished in 2016 and was hugely popular and critically acclaimed … does the Japanese anime industry not like success? Just the IP I happen to like? 😢
Season 2 Announcement: 2019-12-06
OVA Announcement: 2019-12-09
Episode 14 Air Date: 2019-12-25
Episode 26 Air Date: 2020-06-20
Season 3 Announcement: 2020-07-12 -
@TheGrimLich said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - anime discussion:
I want Season 4. We need to see Wilfried's "Prince and the Pauper" moment.
I really want to see the harspiel concert, and the Pandabus. There's some really fun stuff, especially in Part 3.
P.S. Re-reading this, I guess what I want to see over and over again is Ferdinand making "I can't even" faces.
@Weasalopes said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - anime discussion:
While I would love a Season 4, it's a good breaking point, and they did it such that it's a good ending if they never get the green light for further work.
You're right though, it's not a disaster to end it here. They told Myne's story, and what follows is pretty different. But, I feel like what follows might be even more well-suited to anime adaptation (magical boarding school!), if they can edit it down properly.
@arghc said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - anime discussion:
The light novel is (appears to be?) a juggernaut in that realm (or at least among the JNC titles?). Why such diffidence with the anime? Make one season, then the next, then the next. Why wait 2 years between each?
The popularity of a LN doesn't determine the anime quality, but rather the potential for the anime to draw more of an audience to the LN and/or merch sales.
Bookworm is a fantasy series without much action and no sexy love interests; a rational hypothesis is that the story alone carries the entire audience-drawing potential, so the animation investment need only be the bare minimum. A cynical take could even be that by having fans tweet en masse that the books are so much better is good publicity.
The S3 anime seems to be among Crunchyroll's more popular shows this season, so the story is indeed a draw. If we ever get to Part 4, maybe the committee might decide there's an opportunity to get draw in new audience with flashier animation--ah, sorry, that's the copium talking.
@Weasalopes yeah specially the ending where it say it's over lol. wish they expand it to 2 ep instead of one since there were some very important details cut out in the last few chapters.
@arghc said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - anime discussion:
@Sekki said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - anime discussion:
@arghc said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - anime discussion:
How long after season 2 ended it it take before season 3 got announced?
I think it was 2 years? I am not sure. As for season 4 it will take at least 2 years if it gets made at all.
The light novel is (appears to be?) a juggernaut in that realm (or at least among the JNC titles?). Why such diffidence with the anime? Make one season, then the next, then the next. Why wait 2 years between each?
Of course I’m still waiting for season 2 (movie?) Yuri on Ice when I know that a brilliant Canadian figure skater did mocap for it years ago. Double checking with Wikipedia it finished in 2016 and was hugely popular and critically acclaimed … does the Japanese anime industry not like success? Just the IP I happen to like? 😢
It's all about blueray sales. In Japan. The LN sales don't matter, the merchandise sales don't matter., and especially the international sales don't matter. The production companies don't give a crap about foreign sales. One could argue that if they cared about it even a little bit, they could make a lot more money, but they are stuck in the past. (This is common in a lot of Japanese industries, they tend to be really inflexible and a lot of the people in control are dinosaurs that still act like it's the 80's or the 90's.)
@OSRizzo said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - anime discussion:
It's all about blueray sales. In Japan. The LN sales don't matter, the merchandise sales don't matter., and especially the international sales don't matter.
I think you have that totally the wrong way around. Physical media were last decade's thing. Streaming revenue is the largest source of income now, and a lot of that comes from abroad, like China. For some anime, they're simply ads for the manga/LN/game/whatever so the sales of those carry a lot of weight when it comes to determining whether or not there is another season. (EDIT) Remembered the series that proves the point here, Chihayafuru. It got two follow-on two-cours series despite having mediocre disk sales because the manga sales rocketed.
OK, so there are exceptions, like Jashin-chan, for instance, but that was a kind of gimmick, tying another season to exact BD sales. In general, if you see somebody start throwing numbers around and saying stuff like "You need X number of BD sales to get a second season", that's a sure sign they don't know much about how anime is funded.