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Ascendance of a Bookworm - anime discussion
@hiroto said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - anime discussion:
@jcochran said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - anime discussion:
. The only potential "spoiler" would be the possible introduction of characters that aren't introduced into the main story line until later.
It is hugely spoiling. The story only make sense after learning about all those new characters we don't know yet. This story is written as a flash back after having that knowledge. Flash back taken out of the order is that you'll exposed to emotion of people without knowing those people and relationships. It is a very nice side story in that context so I like LN readers to enjoy it at the right moment.
Well, the makers of the anime do have a precedent, given their introduction of Ferdinand in the first episode of the anime. With that data point, I gonna make an wild ass assumption that whatever characters the OVA introduces are wildly popular in Japan.
So... The part where Myne uses the crushing on the Head Bishop was totally awesome! Better than what I was expecting. Very Dark Vader esque. Great end to the first ark of the story!
@lighthawk96 said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - anime discussion:
So... The part where Myne uses the crushing on the Head Bishop was totally awesome! Better than what I was expecting. Very Dark Vader esque. Great end to the first ark of the story!
i didnt feel that much in LN.I mean sure even in there it was intense but man , seeing her like that.She only needed James Earl Jones voice.
@hopebestman Exactly!!!!! But the way they did her voice really did do the scene justice!
@jcochran this is how I calculate it
If 1 lyon = 1 YEN
then 100 YEN = 1 USD
Gunther makes 1 Large Silver per month, thus 12 Large Silver per year which is equal to 1 Small Gold and 2 Large Silver per year
That's about 1,200,000 Lyon or $12000 USD per yearother cost for reference
1 skin paper parchment cost 1 Small Gold
1 skin paper contract cost 1 Large Silver
1 skin postcard paper cost about 1 Small Silver
Myne's Forin postcard prototype paper cost 2 Small Silver
Myne's Torombe postcard prototype paper cost 4 Small Silver
Myne had about 2 Large Gold saved up before she offer her 1 Large Gold donations to the Temple, which means she planned to offer 1 Large Gold to her family. Myne have already saved 20 years worth of Gunther's salary. Her temple donation was about 10 million lyons or $100k USD -
@crowdcontrol Oh , i did this conversation when in anime showed Myne's profit.
I dont know links are allowed but first
Comment section!!!!!!!
1 small copper = $0.3
1 medium copper = $3
1 large copper = $30
1 small silver = $300
1 large silver = $3 000
1 small gold = $30 000
1 large gold = $300 000This is based on from magic tool episode. Gunter's salary , 2.8 gold and etc. Also , based on US Army Captain Salary stuff.
PS:I didnt calculate this.This is purely Alexander Nielsen 's doing in youtube.
@hopebestman I don't think we should use his conversion table of US army captain salary as a base. The YEN system is much simpler since the author is from Japan
@crowdcontrol the guy was american :D
2 small gold and 8 large silver correspond to two and a half years of her dad's pay, this leads to Gunther having an average pay of 9.3 small silver per month.Yeah yeah , "1 large silver his a month of salary" but these all "a month , 2.5 years" talk is not spesific talk.Also "yen system is much simpler" if you wanna use yen you could change the 0.3$ to yen.And even autor is Japanese she created that world based on medieval europe(someone wrote spesific countries but you got my point). If we wanna make these stuff much much realistic :D we should use euro and based on Austria Captain Salary :D
And a note ; because of japanese curent sitution. I couldnt find spesific information about their ARMY salary and stuff.I dont know much about their "self-defence force" thing.So for easily understanding based on US would be much simpler.But again , this calculations are not mine , so i dont have that much to talk around :D
@crowdcontrol I think there's something wrong with your calculations. I'll start my with your assumption of 1 lyon = 1 Yen.
Lyon = 1 Yen
1 Small Copper = 10 Yen
1 Medium Copper = 100 Yen; 1 USD
1 Large Copper = 1,000 Yen; 10 USD
1 Small Silver = 10,000 Yen; 100 USD
1 Large Silver = 100,000 Yen; 1,000 USD
1 Small Gold = 1,000,000 Yen; 10,000 USD
1 Large Gold = 10,000,000 Yen; 100,000 USDAh. I see the error. Just accidentally dropped a decimal point for Gunther's pay.
@hopebestman @crowdcontrol
I think we can all agree that Gunther's salary is roughly equal to 1 large silver per month. With that as the baseline measurement, and assuming that Gunther has an high than average pay for a commoner in that area of the city (he's a captain of the guard for crying out loud, not some private or sergeant), let's take a look at the cost of various items:1 skin paper parchment cost 1 Small Gold = 10 months pay
1 skin paper contract cost 1 Large Silver = 1 month pay
1 skin postcard paper cost about 1 Small Silver = 3 days pay
Myne's Forin postcard prototype paper cost 2 Small Silver = 6 days pay
Myne's Torombe postcard prototype paper cost 4 Small Silver = 12 days payIn a nutshell, the stuff Myne is making is expensive, but not as outrageously expensive as the stuff she's replacing.
@melting-sky he hey...i guess i shouldnt be surprize seeing you in here :D
@jcochran you're right. I fixed the gunther yearly salary from $1,200 to $12,000.
I'm rereading vol 3 and realize Myne have actually least 4 Large Gold and 4 small gold saved up before joining the temple.
@crowdcontrol I hope you're not counting the gold from Benno for exclusive rights to the hair ornaments. That little visit is well after the baptism.
@jcochran we should add that after OVA :D
@quof said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - anime discussion:
@legitpancake I think I can finish part 2 in time without issue. The question is whether I can also get out the first volume of Part 3 fast enough that when the Part 2 anime ends, people can immediately buy P3V1 (which they will want to do). Also, if they release an anime for Part 3 immediately after, they'll definitely get ahead of me by a volume or two. Then an anime for Part 4 would crush me in a way I would never recover from... Unless it's multiple cours with a break in between, which is possible.
Sorry to bother you on this, but I noticed that Part 2, Volume 3 of Bookworm is not currently on the release schedule
At J-Novel Club they do not add a new volume to the calendar until the day it is scheduled to be released.
So not seeing it right now is normal!
Technically this volume was supposed to end next week and then immediately continue with Part 2 Volume 3 the following week, since they released the whole thing early it is up in the air whether Part 2 Volume 3 will start on the 4th or the 11th of January...but we will all just have to wait and see, it will come out when it comes out no soooner.
@elkensteyin JNC posts novels on the release schedule the same day as they post the part 1 pre-release of that novel. Right now, I'm uncertain as when that would be for P2V3. A couple of days ago, I was expecting January 11th. But with the early release of P2V2P10, I don't know if it will be the 4th, 11th, or something else.
@rahul-balaggan @jcochran Appreciate the quick answers. I'm still somewhat new to the site so need to learn some of the processes and idiosyncrasies here.
Interesting information in author's status update.
Anime was planned for 2 cours from the beginning, and the 2nd cour to be aired in April is already completed.
Thanks for that.
Why do they not run them consecutively? If this was planned from the start, why not announce this from the start?Maybe when booking broadcast time they were not confident of being ready in time?