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"If It's For My Daughter I'd Even Defeat a Demon Lord" Is Getting an Anime
@terrence Great, let's just try to evade the shitstorm that will follow vol4 event.
Joke aside i hope they do a good job in choosing the seiyu for Dale so that it show that he too is quite young.
We already know who will be voicing Latina and Dale. Don’t know if they are the same as from the drama CDs, but I wouldn’t doubt it.Latina: Kanon Takao
Dale: Nobuhiko OkamotoAlso, once again, Sam has been getting inside info, and most likely a majority of the translated novels will already be in print by the time the anime starts :)
@legitpancake acording to wiki Nobuhiko Okamoto is the one voicing Bakugo (mha) and Accelerator (index), they do sound young but i'm not sure if that really the kind of voice i would see Dale with, it would be fitting for vol5 event but not really when he is a doting idiot aka 90% of the time
He voiced Mikoshiba from Nozaki-Kun. He's got some other light-hearted voices too. Nice range of sweet and menacing.
From the range in that vid, he sounds like a damn great option to me
This is some good news, I'll read the next few novels to celebrate.
Yay! Just got home from work, decided to check here, and read this. It is a good day.
@Raitoiro Agree, Don't exactly look forward to reading posts by all those who had issues with Bunny Drop in the past. Especially on ANN...
I want volumes 6 and 7 animated. Adult Latina is best Latina!
Still, I guess they'll animate the earlier stuff. Aside from volumes 1-3~, the later volumes have plenty of stories with young Latina to fill up without even going to the conflicts from volume 5.
Are y’all ready to defeat this
Demon LordArchenemy
If this is any indication of Translation to come then I will not be watching this we are gonna hear about the amazing adventures of Daru as he rescues a young Demon Child name Ratina
"Defeat even".
I guess it makes sense, but it sounds awkward.
Hahaha, seriously?! How can they even get it so wrong... 🤦♀️
"For my wife's child, i could even probably not lose against the horned people's non elected representative." Now That's a proper LN title.
I had another look and apparently that's the english title the JP cover uses. But yeah, they should still have used the official English title for the news at least... (They even actually mention it in the linked news if you read it.)
@terabyte Maybe CR is still salty that JNC didn’t join their Super Fun Pack deal and is just refusing to use the official title out of spite :P
Yup! Definitely going to be watching this one!
That opening had more action than what I remember from the early volumes.
Hmm, from the ending seems like it will go until the festival in volume three IIRC perhaps?
Looks like it at least won't suffer from Ragnarok syndrome.
I thought the animation was pretty good, or at least better than Smartphone’s (not a high bar but still). Glad they won’t be cramming in more than 3 volumes worth.