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Mystery Novel Suggestions.
@Terrence I really LOVE mysteries, thanks for posting this... But don't you think there is too few mystery anime/Novels NOT centered around crimes and deaths? It'd be nice having one or two slice of life type of mysteries. You know, like hyouka and Biblia (If you know about them)
@ImIlyaz Rokka No Yuusha is definitely for you. Fantasy oriented mystery. The focus mystery of the first volume has nothing to do with people being killed. I can't wait for those LNs to start releasing. =)
But yeah, I prefer mysteries that aren't your cookie cutter crime or death focus either, though I don't mind "trapped in a death game" scenarios, no matter how common they've become. I just prefer that they aren't all crime scene investigation since I see a lot of that on TV (though, two of the ones I recommended in the OP could definitely fit in detective / crime scene analysis genre).
@Terrence I'll definitely check that one out. I don't hate the crime mysteries, but I just believe mysteries are not only all about cime solving. Thanks for the recommendation, I have a hard time finding good mysteries latley
Yen Press just announced a mystery light novel. =)
Yen Press is excited to announce the acquisition of Eiji Mikage’s light novel THE EMPTY BOX AND THE ZEROTH MARIA.
@Terrence Awesome!!
Not an LN, but I figured I would mention I'm reading Goth. It's pretty twisted. It's about two students who, in their free time, find real life cases of sadistic crimes and seek out to observe the ones committing them and the outcome of their acts (but don't plan to help catch them). It's got a bit of a mystery feel to it.
The movie version is also up on Hoopla, so if your library has that, maybe check it out digitally.
Edit: Goth actually was published originally in a Light Novel Magazine, interesting. Whelp, what to read next? I got Mardock Scramble which is a 700 page dream or nightmare depending on how interesting I find the prose! xP
Oh yes, I'd love to read Beautiful Bones, Gosick and Bibliotheca Mystica de Dantalian.
@Terrence small edit hehe. I just finished Sakurako and boy did I love it. All the bones and deaths were very disturbing in the beginning but I got used to it later on. I liked the bond between Shotarou and Sakurako, I now understand why she calls him "shounen" instead of addressing him by his name. It seemed like this anime was dedicated to those who are trapped in the past, even though I couldn't relate(thank God) all the characters feelings seemed real to me, huge thumbs up to the author. I shed a tear when that cope guy(forgot his name) was caring his friend on his back to the ambulance, that was the most heartwarming sceen to me, as I really value friendship.
I could really continue writing about what and how much I loved the anime. I finally understand what you meant with that the anime ended at an upcoming 'Moriarty'-ish arc. BUT I WANNA KNOW MORE... How will they stop him? How will Their relationship continue?... The mysteries were too hard for me to solve, though I understood some parts, my hypothesis were always a bit of, heh. But let me thank you for mentioning this beautiful anime... I also watched Rokka no Yuusha, but that one... How do I say it. I liked it even more than Sakurako, but that mystery WAS DAMN TOO HARD haha. It hurt my pride a bit, I basically had to be spoon fed everything. Though I'm a great fan of deduction and mystery, I'm not the best at it. Sorry for the long wall of text, just wanted to show my gratitude hehe
@ImIlyaz Nice. Yeah, I spoiled bits of the Rokka anime for myself while I went through (never read Crunchyroll's / YouTube's comments), but it was still a lot of fun. The relationship that builds over the course of that one was strong too, and I didn't know where that was going. Looking forward to the books.
I really want to read the Sakurako novels. xC
I think I mentioned, but I read Goth, which was great little vignette driven mystery stories strung together. Next up, I might try to read through Mardock Scramble, which is like a SciFi crime noire I think (all the characters are named after egg states, like "Shell")? I'm reading through another sci-fi book titled Cage of Zeus, which throws a lot of stuff at the wall (gender altering bioscience, terrorists, colonization of Mars and Jupiter, Big Brother type invasion of privacy).
I still got to check out some of the other recommended works here (Malice is on the docket).
@Terrence oh I'll maybe check those out too, I might like them too. I just bought a non 'Light' Novel, I think you've heard of it. It's called "And then there were none" by Christe. I've heard a lot of good things from it
@ImIlyaz Yup. Read that because I heard 999 was influenced by it. Classic mystery. =)
Might have also mentioned, there's a sort of companion Japanese novel to And Then There Were None called Decagon House Murders by the same dude behind Another (Yukito Ayatsuji?). Iirc, all the characters in the mystery take pen names from mystery authors like "Agatha" and "Poe" as part of their writing club.
@Terrence doesn't look like I'll be bored for some time it seems. I'll watch them all... All