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Discussion about implementing a "read all" function
Yeah, I don't think 1hr per light novel is "average", I read faster than most people I know and I'm in the roughly 5hrs range per volume like LegitPancake.
Yeah I really can’t imagine anyone being able to properly read a LN in an hour.
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Twelve and a half thousand words per minute is beyond even speed reading. It's sixty times faster than average.
Average reading speeds in English are 200-250 words per minute. An average light novel is 50,000 words long, so a conservative estimate based on that is roughly four hours per light novel.
Hi like the series token idea.
Suggesting a add-on.
A low-quality series token members get for their loyalty. They can rent their favorite locked parts or novels for a short period.
Suggesting 1-b members with longer history get more points.
Suggesting 1-c a few years later low-quality tokens could be used to buy archived e-novelsTY for listening to my suggestion And I hope you use it. If someone put up something similar I'm sorry and wasn't trying to plagiarize.
Would gladly to pay a higher monthly fee for the read all feature. Even I don't have access for the manga.
You can also make a prequisite for the "read all feature" They must be a member or premium member for atleast 6-months or a year in order to subscribe to the "read all feature" and pay in a much higher fee, so that if they dont like it, they can return to the normal member/premium member tiers and use coins.
Just an idea, still depends on the owner decisions.
The prepub and monthly catch-up is a wonderful concept. Hands down to it. -
@roughroadface51 interesting that this topic is necroed around this time!