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Isekai Tensei Soudouki
It was another publisher that doesn't want to do digital only. (I think TO Books in fact which would explain why we're getting a print for Bookworm already.)
From all that we've heard, Sam just can't get a meeting with their Light Novel division. It sounds like their manga division may be more easily contactable. It's not like they don't license out their manga. I know the French release of the Gate manga is almost, if not caught up.
And it wasn't the English gate release that soured them since J-NC was already around at the time that the Gate manga had recently been licensed I think. The time-line wouldn't sync up.
I have a feeling as other light novel publishers make additional funds and increased readership through American
Licensing they might eventually change there tune. I mean it dose not make much business sense to not seek more revenue and profits -
@aruseus493 from what I recall Sekai Licensed gate manga back in 2015, so it was over a year before JNC became active.
Oh, this sounds interesting. It's a shame that there's issues with licensing from this company.
@aruseus493 said in Isekai Tensei Soudouki:
It was another publisher that doesn't want to do digital only. (I think TO Books in fact which would explain why we're getting a print for Bookworm already.)
Orphen is also from TO Books, and it's digital only.
If I recall right the not-digital-only publisher is the one for Reincarnated as a Sword: MicroMagazine (or a similar name).
This novel is soooo good!
I hope it gets licensed by a company at some point. -
it got canceled, right?
I haven't found vol. 15, and vol. 14 finished in cliphanger -
@TeoPadilla The author publishes the WN on Alphapolis' website.
There's a bunch of a short stories and the first part of vol 15 on the site.
Love the manga for this would love a translation for novels
So One Peace Books announced they have the license to the manga. Here's hoping someone like SS or JNC eventually manage to break through the Alphapolis wall to get a Light Novel.