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Hiota no Kanojo ga Ore no Motteru Eroge ni Kyoumi Shinshin Nanda ga......
Hiota no Kanojo ga Ore no Motteru Eroge ni Kyoumi Shinshin Nanda ga......
Hiota no Kanojo ga Ore no Motteru Eroge ni Kyoumi Shinshin Nandaga......
非オタの彼女が俺の持ってるエロゲに興味津々なんだが……Publisher: Fujimi Fantasia Bunko (Fujimi Shobo)
Author: Kei Takizawa
Illustrator: Mutsutake (A popular hentai artist.)Genres:
- Romance
- Comedy
- Harem
Kazuma Odagiri is an Eroge loving Otaku that generally keeps it a secret. One day though, it's revealed to the Mysterious Beauty of the class, Honoka Misaki. However, her first reaction wasn't of disgust, but to confess her love to Kazuma with the claim that she'll become his ideal. Thus begins the romance comedy of the two as they play Eroge together and flirt.
If the synopsis sounds familiar, it's probably because you've heard about Chuuko demo Koi ga Shitai! which features a similar premise with the heroine being a delinquent type that changes to try and become the protagonist's ideal heroine. The big difference between the series are that Chuuko demo Koi is more Drama based with the various characters' backstories and conflicts while Hiota no Kanojo is almost purely fluff along the lines of Ero-Cute content and scenes.
Honoka is a semi-Kuudere type character. She acts all straight faced, but she'll perform actions that she considered seducing of the protagonist pretty aggressively. From cosplay to stripping, she's ridiculously Ero-Cute with her Dere Dere mode. Overall, I definitely think people would love some romance comedy fluff series that just leave you feeling all warm and happy inside.
Spotlight time! A friendly bump to an older post that hasn't had any recent conversation and is lower on votes in order to draw attention to it.
@aruseus493 said in Hiota no Kanojo ga Ore no Motteru Eroge ni Kyoumi Shinshin Nanda ga......:
- Harem
Yeah, there goes any kind of nice story development out of the window. Instead of progressing the relationship we all want to see, the novel will bring it to a halt to waste time on sub-heroines nobody asked for. The synopsis reads really nice but we all know it's a lie, if it where honest it would read along the lines of "The protagonist is a wuss, never takes the heroine up on anything and rather wastes time with other bitches" then I'd have no trouble saying, eh, why not. But don't lie to me like that. I hate that.
Bit disappointed that you would judge a series so harshly based off a single genre tag. Having read the first volume which was fan-translated, it feels much more focused on the main heroine relationship. -
Man why are all the good series (or atleast those that sound interesting) under Fujimi Fantasia Bunko label, my dreams oof. With only 3 titels licensed..... one can only hope.
Never heard of this series, but I know the one the OP mentioned. Feels like this would be something id read.
Because the tag diametrically opposes the synopsis. I would love to read the story between those 2 having a releationship moving with a good, constant pace but having sub-heroines wasting everyones time also requires that the relationship will be stuck time and time again (maybe even regress at times.) -
I think how good this series is will mostly depend on the story development in future volumes. If it's pure fluff, I think it will sell though. Especially if it has a particularly strong school setting.
@nichtmalda let's be honest. ANY series with like 3-5 girls that are close with a main male character will be tagged a harem regardless if the girls like him romanticly/sexually or not. I have seen people call Goblin Slayer a harem, yet there are only like 2 people romanticly interested in GS. Genres, tags, and tropes tells us nothing important about a series. All that matters is quality and execution. This is why I will trust someone who has read the first volume over what anyone has to say about the series just from blindly seeing the genre, tags, and synopsis. Also this is a romance right? And what is a very very common trope among romances? Love rivals. Now this is all contextual to each series but the number of rivals both characters get can be important. Maybe just one rival is all that is needed, maybe you need more and each rival gives us a different perspective or challenge for the two main characters. It depends on what's best for the series and how well the author can write it.
@drone205 Are you sure you've read the Goblin Slayer light novels? There's more than two romantically interested in him. Three are blatant, the others hide it more. To see more than the first two you have to read more than just the first book.
Goblin Slayer is more of a Harem than Hiota no Kanojo ga Ore no Motteru Eroge ni Kyoumi Shinshin Nanda ga.... in my opinion but I have not read enough of the light novels to come to a firm conclusion. As far as I've read this is a Harem where the protagonist is only romantically interested in one heroine but friends with a few more. It is a Harem like Sword Art Online is a harem. Unfortunately I have only read a little past the first book so if someone corrects me that has read further, then take what I said as a grain of salt.
@malloc I have almost finished volume 3. I also put "likeness" or "positive feeling" a character feels for another into different categories. Like Bell does not like Aiz romanticly but more of an admiration. Priestess would be in this category.
Edit: I also have romantic feeling and sexual feeling into different categories, though similar have a key difference.
@drone205 I don't agree with both of your interpretations. We will just have to disagree with each other's categorizations in both Goblin Slayer and Is it Wrong to Pick up Girls in a Dungeon. You are the first person I have ever heard that thinks Bell is not romantically interested in Aiz. With the most recent book (before the one that releases tonight) I even think Aiz feels the same but doesn't understand her own feelings yet.
This still does not invalidate my point on topic that Hiota no Kanojo, as far as I've read, appears to be the type of harem where the protagonist is focused on one character, even though there are more romantically interested in him.
@malloc well emotions are complicated and there is a lot of overlap. Platonic feeling can easily become romantic and meld together for example. I differentiate crushes and romantic feelings. Someone could say that female knights gets a little crush on GS at the end of the shop scene and I would not disagree but I would clasify it as more respect or Platonic. Emotions are complicated and there are a lot of overlap.
@drone205 I also agree.
Give a little bump since the latest volume released today digitally in Japan, volume 9.
Lewd Volume 9 Cover for anyone interested.
@aruseus493 Beautiful as always :D
Kadokawa wished a Merry Christmas by posting volume 5's cover image. x)
@terrence Nice, remind me to update LNDB when I'm back Thursday.
Volume 10 came out last month.