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[OUT OF DATE] Compiled list of existing suggestion topics
One day it shall be...but not today.
Okay, can you guys post updates about the progress with licensing stuff? Like, if you tried and failed to get it licensed, please make it easy to see, or add that info to their respective pages. Or create one more pinned forum post with this information to keep it all in one place.
@eminent That probably divulges too much of the corporate process and wouldn't probably never be officially mentioned. The best you could probably get is very vague answers in the Discord if anything
@ellyonia I suppose so. Other publishers might go after the stuff they're trying to license if they know what it is. So I guess they only ever reveal that info if they successfully license something.
Modified from the pro forma CIA response to requests for information:
JNC can neither confirm nor deny the existence of license negotiations in progress but, hypothetically, if such negotiations were in process, the negotiations would be confidential, and could not be disclosed.
Request for English translation for Violet Evergarden (anime had 1 season and 2 movies both Japanese and English dub) I've checked the Wikipedia and there's no English publisher yet.
@jettelosa257 said in [READ FIRST] Compiled list of existing suggestion topics:
Request for English translation for Violet Evergarden (anime had 1 season and 2 movies both Japanese and English dub) I've checked the Wikipedia and there's no English publisher yet.
Good so far.
Now you need to check the list in this topic to see if there is a request already here at JNC, and if there isn't then start a new request topic.
This topic is a cumulative listing of those requests already made, it's not the topic for initiating such requests.
@weasalopes said in [READ FIRST] Compiled list of existing suggestion topics:
i've check and there is no "Violet Evergarden" on the above list! How to do that?
@jettelosa257 I'm really surprised it's not already, given how popular I perceived it to be.
Anyways, just go here:
and open a "New Topic" with your suggestion. You can look at other suggestions to get some examples for formatting, but there's no set in stone way to do it, just do what you feel is right.
@myskaros please add this under "Light Novels with no official English Versions"
Violet Evergarden: -
@paulnamida thanks brother, hopefully my wish should be granted
Slave Harem in the Labyrinth of the Other World “already listed above, but it says it old”
Anyone know if this is going be pickup? I heard it is getting an Anime. The Manga has not lost it's detailed pages. I have seen someone translated pages up to chapter 225. I would really like to see/have translated book from this light novel. I wanted to follow the rules so I am post here about it. Not sure what else I can do to get more...
@slanterq the suggestions forum is just for that: suggestions. JNC never talks about licensing procedures or attempts, only when a title is officially announced do we get to know, and JNC only announces when work has already started, as they post the first 2 parts of a volume along with the announcement.
Making a suggestion post only serves to call some attention to a title and show if there's interest in it from the users. They've admitted that they do take it in consideration but it's not a main factor into what series they pursue.
Bofuri (Yen)
Date-A-Live (Yen)
Slayers (JNC)
When Supernatural Battles (JNC)Can all be moved into the have an English translation from the have an anime category I believe.
Geezer Weasalopes