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[OUT OF DATE] Compiled list of existing suggestion topics
@followernumber1 Enterbrain is a subsidiary of KADOKAWA.
So if you wanted to license something from Enterbrain you would have to go through KADOKAWA?
@followernumber1 it’s been stated that all the individual subsidiaries have their own licensing departments, but we don’t know if they still HAVE to get permission from the parent company (KADOKAWA)...
@followernumber1 @Rahul-Balaggan
When I asked on Curious Cat:
Do you have to go through the parent company Kadokawa in order to license something from one of its subsidiaries?
Here's what he said:
Yes. Kadokawa’s organization includes an international licensing department, and in that department are people who are in charge of licensing light novel titles from their sub publishing companies like Dengeki, etc. you have to go through them and they get pushed down the line to the editing departments, you don’t go directly to the editing departments.
@myskaros said in [READ FIRST] Compiled list of existing suggestion topics:
Japanese novels that may not be considered 'light novels'
Just to add to this, those ain't LNs
The Garden of Sinners (Kara no Kyoukai)
The Tatami Galaxy (Yojouhan Shinwa Taikei)
Welcome to Irabu's Office (Kuuchuu Buranko)
Inakunare, Gunjou
Incite Mill
Hitotsu Hi no Ko no Yuki no Naka
Lesson of the Evil (Aku no Kyouten)
Mikkakan no Koufuku (Three Days of Happiness)
Twelve Kingdoms (Juuni Kokuki)Some are general literature too like Tatami, Kuuchuu Buranko, lesson of Evil and Incite Mill.
@bloodygaikotsu Thanks. I left the ones in the English section, but moved the ones on the Japanese section.
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I thought someone suggested Living in this World with Cut & Paste but I can't seem to find the topic for it anymore.
Anyway, it looks like the author passed away a couple of weeks ago (on 27th January 2019): 😧
And here's a Google Translate link, too. -
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@myskaros Nice list to browse when thinking about the new licensing hints.
I noticed Isekai Goumon-hime (Torture Princess of Another World) is still listed under "Light novels with no official English versions" even though it is also on your licensed list.
it would be cool if we cold get Beyond the Boundary (Kyōkai no Kanata) it has cutest moe girl ever Mirai Kuriyama and epic/hilarious battles
- why has no why has no one licenced Violet Evergarden yet ????????
@bob-bob-bob-bob there are several reasons “X” title hasn’t been licensed yet however it originally comes down to the fact that, licensing is a 2 way street Japanese companies have to be willing to license these titles before any licensing company can license said title.
I really enjoyed "Roku de Nashi Majutsu Kōshi to Akashic Records" and "Zero no Sho" And always wanted them lisenced, since the fan translators dropped the series, and my japandse level isn't high enough :c
Also Lord El Melloi II left me wanting to read more of it, so I'm glad somwone has alreadh suggested it
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@caramelwithoutthesalt you can suggest manga on this forum to help separate manga from LN requests some user put [MANGA] at the end of the topic title.
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Is there a list of titles JNC is currently negotiating for or interested in?
Seeing so many licensing suggestion is fine, but I cannot figure out the factors for JNC to react like with "Bookworm - that one must be gotten asap". It would be highly interesting to know more in order to support suggestions to become more likely to be picked up by JNC. -
@serah there is not, generally no company will make there acquisition strategy available for the public to see.
There are a variety of reasons, some of which include:
- Other companies can then also see what you are interested in and try to out bid you.
- If you do not acquire said title and the public is aware you were going after it then your name is unfortunately tied to it, people will continue to assume you are just dragging your feet. A large amount of people who read LNs seem to think licensing titles consists of asking a publisher and then immediately paying the price.
- Japanese publishers probably don’t want their own business discussions out in the public until something concrete is formed.
There are other reasons, but it all just points to J-Novel Club and other companies won’t make potential acquisitions available for the public eye.
Edit: Also we now know that licensing Bookworm was not a “must be gotten asap” situation, as mentioned in this post. They originally only got the manga, and at the suggestion of the translator for the manga decided to go for the LN.
@rahul-balaggan hm... my impression I got was definitely more like "oh, they get an anime, so it has become a must-have-item on our acquisition list!!!"
That said, why the arguments you stated are understandable it feels too much like a matter of luck if any title gets licensed at all - leaving some gems behind simply because of lack of interest as a follow up of lack of example (that is, since without a translation of XYZ you would not know if XYZ is interesting to support unless you can read Japanese for XYZ).
Let me rephrase the question then: is there a list where we users - do not have to be users, you can put it in the members only section by all means - can see which titles JNC picked up due to it being suggested by the users/members?
@serah said in [READ FIRST] Compiled list of existing suggestion topics:
@rahul-balaggan hm... my impression I got was definitely more like "oh, they get an anime, so it has become a must-have-item on our acquisition list!!!"
That definitely played its part as well...
That said, why the arguments you stated are understandable it feels too much like a matter of luck if any title gets licensed at all - leaving some gems behind simply because of lack of interest as a follow up of lack of example (that is, since without a translation of XYZ you would not know if XYZ is interesting to support unless you can read Japanese for XYZ).
I wouldn’t say “luck”, we as consumers do not get to see what is behind the curtain, for the people licensing titles they get to see more then we ever will really, so they can make their own decisions based off of that.
Let me rephrase the question then: is there a list where we users - do not have to be users, you can put it in the members only section by all means - can see which titles JNC picked up due to it being suggested by the users/members?
To my knowledge there is no list, and one will probably never be made available, the decisions on what to license are pretty much made at the top, as in the owner of the business.
Also the following is just my personal opinion:
When J-Novel Club decides to consider a title to license they look at a multitude of factors to decide if they should or should not, when they are 98% sure they want something they come to the licensing request sub forum and see if there is an discussion of that title to put the final mail in the coffin. Again just my personal opinion.
Edit: Here is a link to a Curious Cat question where they did say that the sub forum is one of various things they take into consideration for licensing a title.
and here is a link where they do say they check the sub forum occasionally.