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Slave Harem in the Labyrinth of the Other World
It's all about the isekai cheat skills/stats. Hopefully obtained through an experience more like Touya and less like Hajime.
@guspaz said in Slave Harem in the Labyrinth of the Other World:
It's all about the isekai cheat skills/stats. Hopefully obtained through an experience more like Touya and less like Hajime.
But you still secretly wish to be Hajime.
@zing it's hard to top that harem. I like the girls in Smartphone but they have nothing over a lolibaba kuudere vampire, a bugged genki bunny girl, a masochistic dragon onee-san, a slightly yandere closet-pervert pure-looking girl. And I can't say more because of spoilers, but yeah, it's a top tier harem, with material for all kinds of kinks.
@paulnamida And one of the less LN were the MC gets his shot and doesn't stay a perbetual virgin.
Manga finally reached a branching point from web novel, things are getting more interesting :)
The manga version finished third in Bookwalker's best sellers for November 1 2017- October 31 2018.
Im just wondering if I've missed something. Are the manga's not available for pre-release reading?
I am giving this a little bump because it it was #8 I Justus's top LN video today. It has been a really long time since I read the WN but I remember it being pretty interesting, especially with how the skills and character sheet works. Like how the MC is able to exploit his discound skill by buying 2 or more items or how no one knows how to do mental math because you can just use he calculate skill (witch the discount skill messes with). It seems there was more thought pit into the world then some other LN worlds I have seen. It certainly is no master peice but most stories are not. I think since the volumes come out very slowly this would not be as big as a risk for JNC who did get a series I doubt most of us had heard of with a slow release in Mixed Bathing. This is at least more well known and has made it to weekly top 10.
Reincarnated as a Sword got picked up by 7S recently, am really happy about that. If this and Growth Cheat gets picked up as well, 2019 will become a great year.
I am somewhat curious about content of volume 9. -
One small point here , but in this worlds story only same race couples can have kids. So mc can bang other races as much as he want with less reprucussions than in most stories.
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@sinnoaria In most stories the exception would be elves.
@saskir said in Slave Harem in the Labyrinth of the Other World:
@sinnoaria In most stories the exception would be elves.
The elves are no exception in this story, the elf's has a custom of marrying once and staying together for lifetime. But there was a woman who fell in love with a human. At the point in time when MC meets her, she has become elf's elder and many elves seek out her advice on various matter. There are various other circumstances surrounding that granny, but its more or less spoiler territory. The world building is really nice in this series.
EDIT: Its not unlikely that there exist a floor boss item drop that would allow cross races breeding, but is completely unknown to the world due to various reasons.
I recently found this work and before i knew it i greedily went through all 220~ chapters within a week. I understand that the author is currently writing the next volume of the light novel and i can't wait to see how the story continues. I also recently found out that a manga was being made as well so I will look forward to that too.
@zav said in Slave Harem in the Labyrinth of the Other World:
I recently found this work and before i knew it i greedily went through all 220~ chapters within a week. I understand that the author is currently writing the next volume of the light novel and i can't wait to see how the story continues. I also recently found out that a manga was being made as well so I will look forward to that too.
Manga has surprisingly high quality in terms of drawings and adult scenes are handled in a sensual way :)
Excuse me for necro-ing this, but I need a second (or third) opinion. Through a series of events I found myself on the TVTropes page for this and saw this line in the summary:
As of March 1, 2020, it has also recieved an officially published, licensed, and currently being translated, light-novel reboot.
What? I buy the books so I think I would've noticed that, or seen it in the English licenses sorted by JP publisher thread. Plus the guy has a hard enough time getting one book out a year, much less rebooting it.
I read through the tropes and there was a lot of stuff I didn't recognize from the books and comics, especially related to this "reboot".
The Japanese wiki page has no mention of a reboot, and it's been updated recently enough to have the latest book ten on it.
LNDB also has no other entry but that for it.
Novel updates has the WN and the LN... and oh look, someone started translating the LN in March, what a coincidence.So assuming the reboot was just some confusion over how long it took for someone to start translating the LN after the WN was caught up, I checked out the prologue. And compared it to the books I have, and... uh... it seems a bit different.
四年生のとき、プロレスごっことか言って休み時間のたびに叩かれたり殴られたり (roughly: When I was a fourth-year every break I was beaten and hit under [pretenses] like playing pretend pro-wrestling)
is embellished as:
By the time I was in 4th grade I was everyone’s sandbag during almost every break, especially after one of the classes when we were all sharing our dreams for the future with each other. I had, in a splendid display of childish idiocy, blurted out that I wanted to be a professional wrestler.
I abhor amateur translations because of the prevalence of MTL, JP->ZH->EN double translations, broken English, etc. so I might be a little biased, but this feels a lot like someone took a broken MTL (or worse, a JP->EN glossary) and stitched it back together with their own imagination and the WN translation as a reference.
So am I missing a new book I need to buy (or rather two, the original Japanese and later a licensed English translation), or is a series I like being defiled by frauds asking for money on Patreon (lightnovelstranslations dot com)?
@Gamen said in Slave Harem in the Labyrinth of the Other World:
a series I like being defiled by frauds asking for money on Patreon (lightnovelstranslations dot com)?
an example of 'fan' translations not being fan translations (and why the likes of these fraudsters in the guise of fans are hurting the industry)
@Gamen said in Slave Harem in the Labyrinth of the Other World:
So am I missing a new book I need to buy (or rather two, the original Japanese and later a licensed English translation), or is a series I like being defiled by frauds asking for money on Patreon (lightnovelstranslations dot com)?
As far as I know, the web novel is called Slave Harem in the Labyrinth of the Other World while the published light novel is called Harem in the Labyrinth of the Other World. Author was probably advised to drop slave from its name for PC reasons.
To my current knowledge, there is no reboot of the series, there was a mention of anime song competition for Harem in the Labyrinth of the Other World, but I have not heard anything beyond it. I do remember hearing something about author being lambasted because he stopped updating web novel and super slow at publishing the light novel. At what author replied something along the lines of "every toxic comment about his writing speed will equal to even longer delay" or basically that comments like that makes him want to work even less. Primadonna much?
Anyhow, I don't think this series will ever get an official license, so if somebody taken upon them to translate it, more power to them. I personally find the translation to be very good.
@Zing Haha yeah Primadonna. Many authors like to find anything just to alleviate their stress. And if he writes less? not his fault, it is because of those comments. I feel it is the same as with Maruyama. He will make one (or two) book less in his Overlord series because he despises the fantranslation community (especially as they translate the special release volume). I always thought and still think that he just got tired from Overlord and want to end it more quickly. Which is a pity but as he is the author it is his right.