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Chivalry of a Failed Knight
For anybody somehow not aware of what happened: What Happened to Sol Press?
Put me down as someone who really wants this one rescued by JNC then. This was pretty much nearly the only thing I was interested in and bought from Sol Press.
Same for me. Loved the anime, loved the manga, I'd be extremely happy if JNC manage to rescue this series.
same for me too, i'll rebuy the first five tomes, if i have to.
Watching the news hoping someone, preferably J Novel rescues this.
This and Rokujouma got me into light novels and honestly surprised it never got licensed.
Rebut the volumes, I only bothered with the first 3 of Sol since I had ordered them on release, but would be happy to repurchase all again in print and epub. -
I've been watching to read this since the anime ended all those years ago, so I'm down for this as well.
I wish JNC picked up 80K but at least SOMEONE did.
One up for this, needs rescue
Bumping this, really hope you guys pick it up. It's an amazing LN but the official publishers died a while back, would be great if you continued it!