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will not let me sign in on edge.
@pat-ketchum For login issues it's probably better to email support directly. That way they can debug the problem privately.
Manga reader is causing trojan related issues that are being caught by multiple antivirus clients:
We blocked this dangerous page for your protection:
Threat name: JS:Trojan.Cryxos.1420
Dangerous pages attempt to install software that can harm the device, gather personal information or operate without your consent. -
@pjthomas404 Could you specify which virus clients? This is a false positive most likely triggered by the obfuscation of the javascript in the manga reader
{"error":{"name":"Error","status":500,"message":"ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/home/deploy/ebooks/kokoro-connect-nise-random.epub'","errno":-2,"code":"ENOENT","syscall":"open","path":"/home/deploy/ebooks/kokoro-connect-nise-random.epub"}}
So, how do I get my Kokoro vol 6?
I can still download other books without problems.
@nichtmalda Most likely Sam is busy with AX and forgot to rename the file on the server. You'll have to wait for him to fix it, it's been already reported in Discord, too.
Kokoro 6 premium should be fixed now.
A bunch of the entries in the Releases database seem to have disappeared. Perhaps when deleting all entries before 8-2, 8-2 was accidentally included in the deletion?
For today (8-2), only HOW NOT TO SUMMON A DEMON LORD VOL. 10 appears on the home page, it's missing Wortenia, Campfire Cooking, etc.
The full August listing at has the same problem, and the Prev Month back to July is empty.
All but one of today's links just vanished, from Releases and the home page.
All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.
@harmlessdave I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Pre-pub release events for weeks and months back in time from the present. I watched J-Novel Club accomplish the impossible by catching up to Japanese releases in record time... Time to die.
@harmlessdave I know you're in both threads, but for the sake of posterity, I have addressed the problem you described here.
The release calendar has been fixed! Sorry about the trouble!
Hm, that was weird. When I came to main page as usual and clicked on releases, I was only getting content from the second half of today onwards. When I hit refresh, suddenly all the releases for the month appeared. Using Chrome on PC.
@crey Just scroll up and you'll see what the problem was and that it was fixed yesterday.
@elexid Unfortunately, that volume isn't up for preorder yet and it was given a release date too early. Sorry about that!
Ran into an issue in Chrome where I couldn't see the very end of Magicmaster v3p4 even though it existed. I believe I usually use a font size one or two sizes down from default, changing the font size allowed me to read the end. I'm used to hitting the end and having to backtrack, this was a different issue where no matter how much I went back and forth, it would not display the last page.
JS:Trojan.Cryxos.1420 - TWO separate occurrences, both today, block by BitDfender on MacBook using Safari while reading Discommunication Ch. 4
*Update - Make that 6 occurrences now
*Update... again - We're up to 8 occurrences, WTF. I think it's time to leave, bye-bye
@boyishlygirlish They compress and encrypt the javascript for the manga reader, it's a false positive. I had the same issue myself before. I solved it by whitelisting the site for now.
@terabyte Thanks! I've never had this happen to me before on J-Novel so I was freaking out a bit since it was back-to-back. Thanks for clearing this up
I'm having a recurring issue with the novel reader on the website.
The last page of a part gets skipped over when I tap for the next page and I get the interstitial page that prompts me to go read the next part instead...
I was able to replicate the issue on Elf Bride volume 7 part 7, I reached the end after reading of 95% the part. Since it ended oddly, I tapped the left arrow to go back two pages and the right button to go forward one page. It showed 92% and 96% respectively. (Font family and don't sizes were consistent throughout the experience.)
I'm currently reading on a Kindle Fire HD 10 and the Brave Browser version 1.1.2 (Chromium version 75.0.3770.143).
Although the example I gave was for Elf Bride volume 7 part 7, I was able to replicate this problem on all Elf Bride volume 7 parts with the exception of part 8 (the last two pages for it are at 91% and 95%).