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The translator said in the Premium thread that he uploaded it last night, so there might be something wrong with the backend.
I'm sure as soon as Sam notices, he'll fix things. It's in the middle of the night over there.
@dtta thanks
I just bought "Mixed Bathing in Another Dimension: The Turbulent Underwater Baths" with credits and when I try to download it from my library I get the following message:
{"error":{"name":"Error","status":500,"message":"ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/home/deploy/ebooks/mixed-bathing-in-another-dimension-the-turbulent-underwater-baths.epub'","errno":-2,"code":"ENOENT","syscall":"open","path":"/home/deploy/ebooks/mixed-bathing-in-another-dimension-the-turbulent-underwater-baths.epub"}}
@helge-könig This error means they haven't uploaded ebook to the server (either couldn't make it in time e.g. because of premium extras or forgot about it) and haven't shifted the release date. It happens once in a while and will probably be fixed soon after someone from staff sees it.
I'm kinda glad to see that Smartphone isn't the only title popular enough to spawn multiple identical posts in different threads when a problem occurs.
@helge-könig Hello!
Should be fixed now. I had uploaded the file but renamed it incorrectly.
@sam-pinansky Just tried to download it and I got "How NOT to Summon..." (for which I'm going to be nice and I'll delete it since I didn't buy that one.)
Can confirm the “Mixed Bathing Volume 5” premium download gives “How NOT to Summon a Demon Lord” (already own)
@motionless47 Well, so much for my fix. Anyway NOW it should be fixed.
@sam-pinansky said in Report Website Bugs Here!:
@motionless47 Well, so much for my fix. Anyway NOW it should be fixed.
Works just fine now, only missing the “Premium Edition for [X person here]” but otherwise its downloading fine
@motionless47 @sam-pinansky
Indeed my ebook is also missing the watermark, but I can read so who cares. -
I have this problem with Chrome as well. I use the arrow keys to change pages and it happens almost every single time.
This may have already been reported, but as a new member thought I should point it out. While reading "How NOT to Summon" I noticed in several of the releases that the last couple of pages would be cut off as it went to the blue "End of" page. By clicking back on the site toolbar (below the reading area) it would correct it and the pages would be available. Initially, I thought this was just me accidentally double clicking the page forward arrow, but it was fairly consistent. Therefore, I started thinking that the toolbar was EXTREMELY sensitive.
Since I'm caught up on those releases, I started reading "Invaders of the Rokujouma". Still noticing it, but was still thinking the toolbar was sensitive. I just finished Volume 2 Part 1, and noticed something odd which tells me this is not an issue with the toolbar. Because I was going to fix lunch right after finishing the section, I was actually paying attention to the percentage left of the chapter. Initially, made it to 97% and figured there had to be at least a partial page after. However, when I clicked the page forward, it went to the "End of" page. I clicked back, to finish the section, and the same page was marked 93%.
As mentioned, the issue can be resolved by clicking back on the blue toolbar which then shows the missing material, but didn't find anything when I searched the forum regarding it. If it makes any difference to this, I always read using the "we must go wider" format.
I use the single-page format and I can confirm it happens there, too. I've tried switching to the wide format at the very end to get around it, but I still get the error.
I can also confirm that's been an issue for a long while, the last page would get cut off pretty much every single time. It's not that much of an issue since you can go back and it does show up, so it never struck me as something worth complaining for though, but it's been happening since the start for me (I subscribed around the time the Arifureta license was announced, can't say how it was before that, but at the very least, it's been around for some 7-8 months now).
I am having an issue downloading a book except all I get is code telling me the book does not exist. Could this be a compatability issue with Google Chrome? Below is the error code message:
{"error":{"name":"Error","status":500,"message":"ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/home/deploy/ebooks/in-another-world-with-my-smartphone-volume-6.epub'","errno":-2,"code":"ENOENT","syscall":"open","path":"/home/deploy/ebooks/in-another-world-with-my-smartphone-volume-6.epub"}} -
@redknight1322 That or the file hasn't been upload or misplaced. I got the same error on my phone when I tried downloading it there and when I got on my computer.
Same error here, 'no such file exists' for smartphone v6. The same error string as redknight1322 above.
+1 to no Smartphone Vol 6. I bet Sam or someone will post an "oops" about it and fix it soon enough.
UchiMusume volume 4's download doesn't work.
@aruseus493 Seeing as it wasn’t available on Amazon until midnight (now), I always thought the premium epubs took several hours after the official release to be available due to extras to translate.